
 The devastating effects of anger and how to protect yourself from anger

Dave Ikiedei Asei


Anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, when it becomes intense and frequent, it can have negative impacts on both physical and mental health. Chronic anger can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other physical health problems, as well as mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. It can also strain relationships and lead to social isolation.

Here are some ways you can protect yourself from anger and its negative effects:

  1. Identify the triggers that cause you to become angry. Common triggers include feeling frustrated, being criticized or disrespected, or feeling threatened or unfairly treated. Once you know what triggers your anger, you can try to avoid or manage these triggers as much as possible.

  1. Practice relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation are all effective ways to calm the body and mind.

  1. Communicate assertively. Instead of bottling up your feelings or becoming aggressive, try to express your thoughts and feelings in a calm and respectful way. This can help you to resolve conflicts and feel heard without resorting to anger.

  1. Seek professional help if needed. If you feel that your anger is out of control or causing problems in your life, it may be helpful to speak with a mental health professional. They can help you identify the underlying causes of your anger and teach you coping strategies to manage it more effectively.

The negative effects of anger can extend beyond physical and mental health problems. Anger can also interfere with your ability to think clearly and make decisions, leading to poor judgment and impulsive behavior. It can also lead to problems at work or school, as well as in your personal relationships.

Here are some additional ways to protect yourself from anger:

  1. Practice self-care. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that you enjoy. These practices can help you feel more balanced and better able to manage your emotions.

  1. Find healthy outlets for your anger. Exercise, writing in a journal, or talking to a trusted friend or family member can all be helpful ways to release angry feelings.

  1. Use humor as a coping mechanism. Laughing can help to reduce tension and improve your mood.

  1. Learn to forgive. Holding on to grudges and resentment can fuel feelings of anger. Learning to let go of these negative emotions can help to reduce your overall level of anger.

5. Seek support from others. Sometimes it can be helpful to talk to someone you trust about your feelings of anger. They may be able to offer perspective or suggest ways to manage your anger more effectively.


In conclusion, anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences. However, when it becomes intense and frequent, it can have negative impacts on both physical and mental health, as well as strain relationships and lead to social isolation. To protect yourself from anger and its negative effects, it is important to identify the triggers that cause you to become angry and try to avoid or manage these triggers as much as possible. Practicing relaxation techniques, communicating assertively, and seeking professional help if needed can also be helpful. Additionally, practicing self-care, finding healthy outlets for your anger, using humor as a coping mechanism, learning to forgive, and seeking support from others can all help you to manage your anger more effectively.

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