
  • What are the benefits of true federalism?

Dave Ikiedei Asei


True federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments, with both levels of government having their own spheres of authority and the ability to make independent decisions within those spheres. True federalism is often contrasted with "cooperative federalism," in which the central government exerts more control over the regional governments and can dictate certain policies and regulations.

There are several potential benefits to true federalism:

Decentralization of power: True federalism allows for the decentralization of power, giving regional governments a greater degree of autonomy and the ability to make decisions that are tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of their region. This can help to ensure that policies are more responsive to the needs of local communities.

Greater representation: In a true federal system, regional governments can provide a more direct form of representation for their citizens. This can help to ensure that the needs and concerns of local communities are taken into account in the policy-making process.

Improved efficiency: True federalism can allow for the creation of more specialized and efficient government agencies at the regional level, as these agencies can focus on specific issues and concerns that are relevant to their region. This can lead to more efficient and effective governance.

Enhanced democracy: 

True federalism can promote democracy by giving regional governments a greater role in decision-making and allowing citizens to have a more direct say in how they are governed. This can help to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among citizens and encourage greater participation in the political process.

Economic development: True federalism can encourage economic development by allowing regional governments to adopt policies that are geared towards attracting businesses and promoting economic growth in their region. This can lead to increased employment opportunities and a stronger local economy.

Here are a few additional benefits of true federalism:

Cultural diversity: True federalism can allow for the recognition and celebration of cultural diversity within a country. Regional governments can adopt policies and practices that reflect the unique cultural characteristics of their region, promoting a sense of cultural identity and pride.

Improved public services: True federalism can allow for the development of more efficient and effective public services at the regional level, as regional governments can tailor their services to the specific needs of their communities. This can lead to improved education, healthcare, and other essential services for citizens.

Fiscal responsibility: True federalism can encourage fiscal responsibility by requiring regional governments to be accountable for their own budgets and financial decisions. This can help to prevent the central government from incurring excessive debt or making irresponsible financial decisions that could have negative consequences for the entire country.

Enhanced competition: True federalism can create a competitive environment among regional governments, as they must compete with each other to attract businesses and investment. This can lead to improved services and a higher standard of living for citizens.

Political stability: True federalism can promote political stability by allowing regional governments to address and resolve local issues without interference from the central government. This can help to reduce the risk of political unrest and conflict.

Thus, in Nigeria there is urgent need to practice true federalism to bring lasting peace because the country has more than 250 ethic groups with different languages, culture and religions. 

With the increasing rate of inter-tribal conflict as a result of not practicing true federalism, it is urgent for our lawmakers and leadership at various levels to work for the unity and safety of all by implementing true federalism without delay.


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