AMAZING BENEFITS OF POSITIVE THINKING (This article may be long, but do not ignore any part of it)

Dave Ikiedei Asei


Positive thinking has been shown to have a number of benefits, including:


It's crucial to understand how to emphasize the good in order to live a happier, healthier life. You may add more positivity and happiness to your life if you commit to doing the easy things listed below for a week. Think of it as a seven-day test. 

  • Don't simply wait for the bad thoughts to show up before you think of anything good. Making a deliberate and planned effort to think positively throughout the day will help you develop this talent. Make the decision to think only positive thoughts for the duration of your break or lunch. Make the decision to solely consider uplifting things when operating


Nobody can completely ignore their unpleasant emotions in life, and it is unrealistic to believe that you can or should. The happiest individuals, however, have found a way to withstand them by preventing the inevitable tragedies of life from detracting from the good things. These people may also be the healthiest ones. This part informs you about the mounting data that suggests you might be able to enhance your physical health by just altering your outlook on life. 

All the advice to "keep the sunny side up" sounds nice and cozy, but it almost seems too good to be true. However, a ton of data indicates that your perspective on life can


The benefits of positive thoughts don’t stop after a few minutes of good feelings subside. In fact, the biggest benefit that positive thoughts provide is an enhanced ability to build skills and develop resources for use later in life.



This information is taken from the Local Public Health Institute of Massachusetts module at the following link: Link to Building Psychological Resilience for Dealing with Disasters.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines stress as: "a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension, and may be a factor in disease causation." If you were to ask people to explain what stress is and how it affects them, you would likely get a wide variety of definitions. Many factors and situations have the potential to impact us in stressful ways, but it is important to note our individual perceptions and responses to these stimuli.

Athletes and performers often describe mental tension that arises prior to a contest or a performance, as anxiety or outright fear. Nevertheless, they acknowledge that this tension can both overwhelm the individual and result in a disastrous performance, or it can be the source of a positive response that brings out the very best in people

Although we frequently have little control over stressful factors and situations, it is possible to train yourself to modulate your thoughts, emotions, and your environment in ways that help you to deal with the problems you encounter, rather than allowing events take control of you. 

Conceptually, your efforts to develop psychological resilience can expand your range of good stress and shrink the range of debilitating stress. This is what is meant by building psychological resilience, and it is particularly important for public health workers and emergency responders.


  • Ways Positive Thinking Improves Your Relationships

  • Positive Thinkers Attract Good Relationships In The First Place

  • Thinking negatively fosters low self-esteem and can lead to accidental self-sabotage. Meanwhile, clearly and consistently visualizing yourself enjoying rich relationships with others can be a powerful way of promoting a more confident attitude towards interpersonal communication.

  • If you're looking to make more connections, start by affirming that you deserve these connections and by actively imagining yourself in good reciprocal relationships.

  • Positive Thinkers Come Up With Constructive Solutions

Everyone encounters conflict in their close relationships, but if you have a positive attitude towards life and love then you're much more likely to think constructively when faced with adversity.

  • Whether you're struggling with stress outside the relationship or communication problems within it, believing that things can improve is the first step towards lasting change.

  • This benefit of positive thinking also applies to your relationship with your employer or team members at work, where you will be prized for finding silver linings and displaying determination. Instead of obsessing about the problem, identify it and then focus all of your energy on generating solutions.

  • Further, whenever you first talk to others about a problem, make sure that you always include a hopeful remark.

For example, instead of saying “I don't know how we'll deal with moving at this stage!” try offering something like “Moving feels like a huge challenge, but we'll work together to find solutions that make us both happy.”

  • Positive Thinkers Often Have More Empathy

In addition to coming up with solutions, a positive attitude helps you to understand other people's perspectives and maintain unconditional respect.

This gift is especially useful in romantic relationships when your ability to see the usefulness and worth of an opposing perspective will promote a closer and more meaningful type of emotional intimacy.

  • Simple things can help you to cultivate more empathy for your partner, such as making time to touch base about their feelings or making a reassuring comment if you feel you might have said something thoughtless.

  • Now, think about how exhausting it is to be around someone with a negative, gloomy take on everything.

On the other hand, it is truly energizing and uplifting to spend time with a person who has an optimistic, enthusiastic outlook on the world and what we can achieve.

  • If you're a positive thinker, your loved ones and colleagues will thrive in your company and look to you for much-needed advice.

Keep this in mind the next time you socialize with someone; for example, you might set the goal of giving two genuine compliments and making three motivating observations.

  • Positive Thinkers Can Deal With Conflict

Positive thinkers tend to concentrate on solving issues, rather than creating or worrying about them. So, when they face stress, they are more likely to be able to deal with it in a positive and effective way.

  • When someone is in a relationship, there are bound to be times where an argument occurs or there is a conflict between both people – positive thinkers can deal with the stress in a way that is rational and quick. This is especially beneficial if you are both facing stress in your relationship.

Positive thinkers tend to provide solutions to the problem, so it shouldn't be too long until a disagreement has been resolved fairly and easily.

The Effects of Negative Thoughts on the Brain 

Let's pretend together for a second. 

Imagine you are strolling in the forest when all of a sudden a tiger appears on the trail in front of you. Your brain records a negative emotion—in this case, fear—when this occurs. 

Negative emotions train your brain to take a particular action, as researchers have known for a long time. For instance, you flee when that tiger crosses your path. The rest of the world is irrelevant. Your entire attention is on the tiger, the fear it instills in you, and how you can escape from it. 

In other words, negative emotions make you think more narrowly and with more intensity. You can have the choice to climb a tree at that time, grab a stick — but your brain ignores all of those options because they seem irrelevant when a tiger is standing in front of you.


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