
Cancer is deadly, how to protect yourself from it

Dave Ikiedei Asei


There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of developing cancer, including:

  • Don't smoke or use tobacco products

Eat a healthy diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in red and processed meats

  • Exercise regularly

Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing

  • Get vaccinated against certain viruses, such as hepatitis B and HPV

  • Avoid exposure to environmental toxins, such as air pollution and certain chemicals

  • Get regular medical screenings to catch cancer early, when it is most treatable

  • Limit your alcohol intake

Avoid risky behaviors, such as unprotected sex, which can increase your risk of certain types of cancer

  • Get enough sleep

  • Manage stress through activities such as meditation, yoga, or exercise

  • Avoid unnecessary medical radiation exposure, such as CT scans or X-rays

  • Consider taking cancer-preventive medications or supplements, if recommended by your doctor

  Avoid or minimize consumption of processed and   charred meats

  • Choose safer personal care products and household items, as some of them may contain cancer-causing chemicals

  • Eat fermented foods, such as yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut, which may help boost the immune system and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.


There are many different treatment options for cancer, and the best option for you will depend on the type and stage of your cancer, as well as your overall health and personal preferences. Some common treatment options include:

  • Surgery: Removing the cancerous growth or tissue

Chemotherapy: Using drugs to kill cancer cells

Radiation therapy: Using high-energy beams, such as X-rays, to kill cancer cells

  • Immunotherapy: Boosting the body's immune system to fight cancer

  • Hormone therapy: Using drugs or other substances to block the production or action of hormones that fuel the growth of certain types of cancer

  • Targeted drug therapy: Using drugs that attack specific vulnerabilities in cancer cells

  • Stem cell transplant: Replacing damaged or destroyed bone marrow with healthy stem cells

  • Clinical trials: Participating in research studies to test new cancer treatments

  • It's important to work closely with your healthcare team to determine the best treatment plan for you. This may involve a combination of the above treatments.


It's also important to note that genetics can play a role in the development of cancer, so it's not always possible to completely prevent it. However, following the above recommendations can greatly reduce your risk.


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