DAVE Ikiedei Asei


This happens to many of us after spending many hours in the sweltering sun, when you arrive home drenched in perspiration with a parched throat. Isn't opening the refrigerator and sipping cold water nearly instinctual when trying to escape the heat? Every single time. Most times, the effects manifest at old age, that is why we should try and maintain caution in what we take into our body system.

It is thought that the repercussions are more severe the colder the water is. No matter how hot it gets, science opposes the practice of drinking cold water. It claims that consuming cold water might interfere with the stomach fluids' natural operation. 

While it is advised that you have 7-8 glasses of water each day, be sure you consume it at room temperature. Wi

The following are some causes of health problems associated with drinking cold water:


According to specialists, consuming cold beverages and water constricts blood vessels, which eventually hinders digestion. Additionally, it prevents the body's normal digestion-related nutrient absorption process. The body's attention is taken away from digestion as it becomes preoccupied with controlling body temperature. 

Drinking water that is too cold might make you dehydrated since your body has to work harder to raise the temperature to make up for it. The additional energy required to control the temperature may have been put to better use by aiding in digestion and nutritional absorption.


  • Causes painful throat: 

Avoiding sore throats and clogged noses is another reason to cease drinking ice water. Drinking cold water causes your respiratory system to produce a lot of mucus, especially after eating. The track becomes more susceptible to several respiratory illnesses when it is crowded. 

*Complicates fat breakdown: 

  • According to experts, drinking cooled water right after a meal hardens the fat from the food you just ate, making it more challenging for your body to eliminate the extra fat. It is preferable to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before drinking any water


Reduced heart rate is also brought on by cold water. It activates the vagus nerve, the tenth cranial nerve, a vital component of the body's autonomous neurological system that regulates heart rhythm. The nerve is stimulated by drinking cooled water, which lowers heart rate. 


It is advised against drinking cold water just after working out. Any kind of activity causes a lot of heat to be produced. Drinking cold water too soon alters its temperature, which is bad for the digestive system. Moreover, drinking cold water is useless after an exercise since the body cannot absorb it. Your body receives a shock from the ice cold water, which can cause chronic pain in your stomach.


  • Cold drinks can have negative effects on the body if consumed in excess. Consuming large amounts of cold drinks can lead to tooth decay, as the sugar and acid in the drinks can erode tooth enamel. 

  • Cold drinks can also lead to weight gain if consumed in excess, as they often contain high amounts of sugar. Additionally, drinking ice-cold drinks can cause constriction of blood vessels in the throat, which can lead to indigestion and discomfort.

  • Cold drinks can also have an impact on the digestive system. Consuming cold drinks can cause the muscles in the stomach and intestines to contract, which can slow down digestion and make it more difficult for the body to absorb nutrients.

  • Drinking cold drinks can also lead to a decrease in metabolism, which in turn can lead to weight gain over time. Additionally, consuming large amounts of cold drinks can lead to dehydration, as the body uses extra energy to warm up the cold liquid.

  • In some cases, consuming cold drinks can also cause headaches and migraines, as the rapid temperature change in the body can cause blood vessels to expand and contract, leading to pain.

  • It's also important to note that drinking too much cold drinks especially those that are high in caffeine content, can lead to insomnia, anxiety and nervousness.

  • Overall, it's important to consume cold drinks in moderation, and to make sure to balance them out with plenty of water and other healthy fluids.

  • To end our discussion, consuming cold drinks in moderation can be part of a healthy diet, but excessive consumption can have negative effects on the body. These effects can include tooth decay, weight gain, indigestion, constriction of blood vessels in the throat, slowed digestion, decreased metabolism, headaches and migraines, dehydration and even insomnia, anxiety and nervousness. 

  • It's important to be mindful of the amount of cold drinks consumed and to balance them out with plenty of water and other healthy fluids. Additionally, it's good to be aware of the ingredients in cold drinks and to opt for those with less sugar and caffeine


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