Dave Ikiedei Asei


The matter of continues gas flaring in our environments pose serious and devastating consequences to almost every living thing on earth, and as such, we need to consider this matter seriously. As Individuals, private and public organizations especially the government.

As noted earlier, Gas flaring is the burning of unwanted natural gas that is a byproduct of oil production. It is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. So we must find Solutions to reduce gas flaring in the global system. Here are few solutions.


  • Flared gas is a byproduct of oil and gas production that is typically burned off at the production site. To capture and reuse flared gas, there are several methods that can be used:

  • It could be Captured and transported  to a nearby facility for processing and use as fuel or feedstock for other industrial processes.

  • Use the flared gas to generate electricity on-site using gas turbine or internal combustion engines.

  • Use the flared gas to power boilers or other equipment used in the production process.

  • Inject the flared gas into an underground storage facility to be used later when needed.

  • The flared to enhance oil recovery to improve production from oil wells.

  • The flared gas could be used for production of chemicals and fertilizers as feedstock.


It's important to note that capturing and reusing flared gas can be a complex and costly process, and it may not be economically viable in all cases. Additionally, regulations and policies vary from country to country, so be sure to check the regulations in your area before implementing any of the above methods.


* It could also be used by building pipelines or other infrastructure to transport the gas to where it can be used.

  • Reduce the amount of natural gas produced by increasing the efficiency of oil production.

  • Increase the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce the need for fossil fuels.

  • Implement regulations and incentives to encourage companies to reduce flaring and invest in more sustainable practices.

  • Utilize advanced technologies such as carbon capture and storage to reduce emissions from flaring.

Carbon Capture and Storage Technology

  • According to Comprehensive Renewable Energy if CCS technology demonstration plants are constructed, governments could play a role to coordinate the necessary actors to ensure that the potentially beneficial role that hydrogen could play within pre-combustion CCS is being considered, as a coproduct to increase plant flexibility.

  • Reducing the amount of natural gas produced by increasing the efficiency of oil production.

  • Go into partnership with NOAA and the Colorado School of Mines which has developed global gas flaring estimates based upon observations from satellites launched in 2012 and 2017.


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