Dave Ikiedei Asei


Due to the high rate of insecurity all over the globe, parents will and guardians should take it serious to get sufficient information on how to help your children and wards attending schools at various levels. Be it Primary, Secondary or tertiary levels. Times are no longer as usual, so we parents should  pay attention to the following information as I have provided below.


There are several things that parents should know about  school safety:

    • Familiarize yourself with the school's 
    • safety policies land procedures, including how the school will communicate with you in case of an emergency.

  • Make sure your child knows how to get in touch with you or another trusted adult in case of an emergency.

  • Encourage your child to speak up if they see or hear something that doesn't seem right.

  • Discuss with your child what to do in case of a school shooting or other violent incident.

  • Keep an eye out for any changes in your child's behavior or emotional state, as this may be a sign of bullying or other safety concerns.

  • Consider getting involved in school safety efforts, such as joining the school's safety committee or volunteering to be a "safety helper" in the school.

  • Keep your child's school contact information up to date in case of an emergency.


  • Encourage your child to report any safety concerns or incidents to a trusted adult, such as a teacher or school counselor.

  • Teach your child about internet safety and make sure they know how to protect their personal information online.

  • Help your child understand the importance of respecting others and promoting a positive school culture.

  • Encourage your child to walk or bike to school with a group of friends, if possible.

  • Make sure your child knows how to get home safely in case of an early dismissal or other emergency.

  • Talk to your child about the dangers of drug and alcohol use, and encourage them to make healthy and safe choices.

  • Keep an open line of communication with your child's teacher and school administration, and be willing to work with them to address any safety concerns.


The role of parents and teachers in promoting school safety is crucial. Here are some ways in which parents and teachers can work together to ensure a safe and positive school environment:

  • Parents can support teachers by reinforcing safety rules and expectations at home and helping their child understand the importance of following these rules.

  • Teachers can keep parents informed about school safety policies and procedures, and encourage parents to get involved in school safety efforts.

  • Parents and teachers can work together to address any bullying or other safety concerns that may arise.

*. Parents can support teachers by volunteering in the classroom or school, or by serving on the school's safety committee.

  • Teachers can encourage parents involvement in school safety efforts by welcoming parents into the classroom and encouraging them to participate in school events and activities.

By working together, parents and teachers can help create a safe and positive school environment for all students.


In conclusion, school safety is an important concern for all parents, teachers, and students. It is important for everyone to be familiar with the school's safety policies and procedures, and to work together to create a safe and positive school environment. Parents can support school safety efforts by reinforcing safety rules at home, staying informed about school safety policies, and communicating with teachers about any concerns. 

Teachers can support school safety by keeping parents informed about school safety policies and procedures, and by encouraging parent involvement in school safety efforts. By working together, parents, teachers, and students can help ensure that all schools are safe and welcoming places for learning.


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