
Yoruba Council of Elders advocates for Restructured Nigeria., no Break Away

Wisdom Tide


The Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE) has taken a definitive stance against the proposition of creating a separate Yoruba nation, advocating instead for the implementation of true federalism within Nigeria. In a statement released recently, the council reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining a unified Nigeria and stressed the critical need for a restructured federal system.

This stance by the YCE follows the presentation of a document by the Yoruba Self-Determination Movement (YSDM), which advocates for the separation of the Yoruba ethnic group from Nigeria. However, the YCE has firmly expressed its conviction that Nigeria should remain a single, united nation. "The Yoruba Council of Elders remains resolute in its belief that Nigeria should continue to exist as one united entity," the statement asserted.

While acknowledging prevalent sentiments of marginalization among the Yoruba populace within the current federal framework, the YCE highlighted that the majority of Yoruba people are opposed to the idea of secession. Instead, they advocate for a return to the regional autonomy initially envisioned by Nigeria's founding fathers.

"The YCE has taken into account diverse perspectives that indicate a widespread feeling of disenchantment with the present imbalanced distribution of federal powers. However, the majority steadfastly oppose any separation from the Nigerian state," the statement clarified. The council underscored its support for a restructured Nigeria where individual states would operate autonomously yet contribute collectively to a centralized administration. Drawing a parallel to the American federal system, they emphasized the benefits of such a model in fostering unity amidst diversity.

"Therefore, the YCE stands firmly by the principles laid down by the founding fathers of maintaining national unity while granting regional autonomy. In this regard, we advocate for a restructured Nigeria that allows states to function independently while remaining integral parts of a cohesive whole," the council articulated.

Furthermore, the YCE called for unity and effective governance, leveraging Nigeria's rich socio-cultural diversity to drive national progress and development. "It is imperative to recognize that our unity is strengthened by the socio-cultural heritage of each region, which can be effectively harnessed through education and efficient governance. Our nation must rise again, and we must all work together towards this goal," the statement concluded.

In essence, the Yoruba Council of Elders has articulated a clear preference for a restructured Nigeria over the creation of a separate Yoruba nation, emphasizing the importance of unity, autonomy, and effective governance as pillars for national advancement

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