You-Are-In-Danger'-If-You-Are-Persecuting-The-Church' - Pastor-Adeboye-Warns-Those-Who-Have-Made-Up-Their-Minds-To-Persecute-The-Church'

You Are In Danger' If You Are Persecuting The Church' - Pastor Adeboye Warns Those Who Have Made Up Their Minds To Persecute The Church'

Wisdom Tide 


Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), has issued a solemn warning to those who have resolved to persecute the Church, declaring that they are endangering their own lives. His message, delivered in a recent YouTube sermon titled "For Whom the Heavens Open (Part 54)," underscores the inherent danger of opposing the divine work of God.

Pastor Adeboye began his sermon by emphasizing the futility of fighting against God, a theme that resonated throughout his message. He described such attempts as hopeless endeavors, destined to fail because they pit finite human strength against the infinite power of the Almighty. "Fighting against God," he noted, "is a battle that no one can ever win."

Drawing from the Bible, Pastor Adeboye reminded his audience of the close connection between God and His people. He quoted passages that equate an attack on the Church with an attack on God Himself, highlighting the grave consequences of such actions. "If you have made up your mind to persecute the Church of God," Pastor Adeboye warned, "you are placing yourself in serious danger."

To illustrate the seriousness of persecuting the Church, Pastor Adeboye recounted the story of Saul's conversion in the Book of Acts (Acts 9:1-43). Saul, who later became known as the Apostle Paul, was a fervent persecutor of Christians before his dramatic encounter with Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. In this encounter, Jesus confronted Saul, asking, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" (Acts 9:4, ESV). This divine confrontation made it clear that any attack on the Church is a direct affront to God. "If you're fighting against His people, then you are fighting against Him," Pastor Adeboye asserted.

Pastor Adeboye went on to warn that those who choose to oppose God will ultimately be brought to their knees, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. He pointed out that every knee will eventually bow before God, as stated in Philippians 2:10-11: "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." This, he stressed, is an inescapable reality for all who set themselves against the divine will.

In his sermon, Pastor Adeboye also highlighted God's absolute sovereignty over the earth. He reminded his listeners of the biblical account of Korah's rebellion, as recorded in Numbers 16:1-33. Korah, along with his followers, challenged Moses' leadership, an act that was ultimately seen as rebellion against God. In response, God caused the earth to open up and swallow the rebels, serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of opposing God's authority. "God could command the very ground beneath your feet to open and swallow you," Pastor Adeboye warned, underscoring the seriousness of defying divine authority.

Concluding his message, Pastor Adeboye emphasized the enduring strength and resilience of the Church. He reminded those who might oppose the Church that, throughout history, many have attempted to destroy it, yet the Church has not only survived but thrived. "Long after the enemies of God are gone and forgotten, His children will still be marching on," he declared. This is a testament to the Church's divine foundation, which ensures its continuation despite any opposition.

Pastor Adeboye ended with a plea for those opposing the Church to reconsider their stance. "Stop fighting against God," he urged. "You can't win." Instead of persisting in a futile battle against the divine, he invited them to join God's side, where they would find true peace and fulfillment. This call to repentance and alignment with God's will reflects Pastor Adeboye's deep concern for the spiritual well-being of all people, even those who currently stand in opposition to the Church.

In summary, Pastor Adeboye's message is a powerful reminder of the dangers inherent in opposing God's work. It serves as a warning to those who persecute the Church, urging them to recognize the futility of their actions and to turn towards God, whose ultimate victory is assured. Through his sermon, Pastor Adeboye not only reaffirmed the strength and resilience of the Church but also extended a compassionate invitation for reconciliation with the divine

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