
Abdulsalami, Others Set to Convene National Stakeholders' Meeting in Abuja to Address Nigeria's Challenges

By Wisdom Tide
September 25, 2024


The National Peace Committee (NPC), under the chairmanship of former Head of State, General Abdulsalami Abubakar (retired), is set to host a crucial meeting in Abuja aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges confronting Nigeria. The committee, co-led by Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah, has announced that this national stakeholders' meeting will serve as a platform for meaningful dialogue on the country’s socio-political and economic crises. This move underscores the urgent need for constructive engagement between citizens and the government, following the significant unrest and protests over the worsening economic conditions in Nigeria.

The 2023 Elections: A Renewed Sense of Hope

In a statement co-signed by General Abdulsalami and Bishop Kukah, the committee highlighted the optimism that accompanied Nigeria’s 2023 general elections. The elections were marked by an unprecedented level of engagement, with voter registration reaching 93,469,008, a significant increase from the 57,938,945 million registered voters in 1999. This surge in voter participation was seen as an expression of hope for a future government that would effectively tackle Nigeria’s persistent socio-economic challenges.

The NPC noted that the expectations leading up to the 2023 elections were high. Many believed that the elections would mark the beginning of a new era in which Nigeria's leadership would confront and resolve issues such as unemployment, poverty, insecurity, and economic instability. According to the committee’s statement, this hope was driven by a desire for positive socio-political and economic transformation.

However, while the elections were conducted with heightened expectations, the aftermath revealed deep regional and ethnic divisions that have long characterized Nigeria’s political landscape. These cleavages were particularly evident in the results of the presidential election, which only exacerbated existing tensions, leading to heightened concerns about the nation’s unity and stability.

Economic Strain and the Rising Tide of Discontent

Despite the good intentions of the newly elected administration, the NPC acknowledged that the government's policies aimed at improving the quality of life for Nigerians have so far fallen short of the public's expectations. The statement observed that economic conditions have continued to deteriorate, affecting virtually every segment of society.

The economic difficulties, compounded by inflation, unemployment, and dwindling purchasing power, have ignited a wave of frustration across the country. The situation reached a boiling point when widespread protests erupted over the issue of hunger and the rising cost of living. These protests were a clear signal that the nation’s economic problems are not just theoretical concerns, but real, lived experiences for millions of Nigerians who struggle daily to make ends meet.

The NPC highlighted that the demands raised during these protests reflect deeper structural issues that must be urgently addressed if Nigeria is to regain stability. The protests underscore the need for a government that is responsive and in tune with the realities faced by its citizens.

The NPC's Role in Mediating National Challenges

In light of the escalating socio-economic and political tensions, the National Peace Committee has stepped in to play its traditional role of mediating conflicts and promoting peace. The NPC, which has historically been involved in both electoral and non-electoral issues that threaten the nation’s stability, is now moving to facilitate a dialogue between the government and the people.

As part of its mandate to mediate and support peaceful resolutions to national issues, the NPC has organized a one-day town hall meeting scheduled to take place on September 26, 2024, at the NAF Conference Centre in Abuja. This meeting will bring together critical stakeholders from across Nigeria, including representatives from government, civil society, the private sector, and community leaders. The aim is to have an open and honest discussion about the pathways to resolve the socio-political and economic challenges facing the country.

Purpose of the Meeting: Bridging the Gap Between Government and Citizens

The NPC emphasized that the upcoming stakeholders' meeting will provide a platform for constructive dialogue, where the frustrations, concerns, and aspirations of the Nigerian people can be openly discussed. The committee views this as a crucial opportunity to bridge the growing gap between the government and its citizens, ensuring that the voices of the people are not only heard but that their concerns are actively addressed.

"The meeting is not just about airing grievances," the statement noted. "It is about finding solutions that can be presented to the government, with the aim of fostering collaboration and understanding between all parties involved. The outcomes of this dialogue will be critical in shaping the next steps that the government must take to restore confidence and stability in the country."

This collaborative approach, the NPC believes, will help in creating an environment where meaningful progress can be made. By providing a platform where all relevant stakeholders can contribute, the NPC hopes to support the government in crafting policies that are both responsive and effective in tackling the immediate and long-term challenges Nigeria faces.

Looking Ahead: The Path to Peace and Stability

The committee concluded by reiterating its commitment to fostering peace and stability in Nigeria. The NPC has long been recognized for its work in mediating national conflicts and ensuring peaceful transitions of power. As the country navigates through this particularly turbulent period, the NPC stands as a key player in guiding the nation toward a more peaceful and prosperous future.

The upcoming meeting in Abuja is expected to yield concrete recommendations for addressing the nation’s challenges, with a particular focus on the socio-economic issues that have fueled widespread discontent. While the road ahead may be challenging, the NPC remains hopeful that with the right engagement and commitment from all stakeholders, Nigeria can overcome its current difficulties and move toward a more stable and inclusive future.


Nigeria’s current socio-economic and political challenges demand urgent attention and collaborative solutions. The National Peace Committee, through its planned national stakeholders' meeting, is taking a proactive step in facilitating the necessary dialogue to bridge the divide between the government and its citizens. As the nation gathers to address its pressing issues, the hope is that this meeting will lay the foundation for a more responsive, effective, and peaceful governance that truly reflects the will and needs of the Nigerian people

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