Arewa-Leader-Musa-Saidu Condemns-Attack-on-Edwin-Clarke-by Arewa-Youths,-Calls -or-Unity

Arewa Leader Musa Saidu Condemns Attack on Edwin Clarke by Arewa Youths, Calls for Unity

Wisdom Tide 


The political landscape in Nigeria is often shaped by complex alliances, ethnic affiliations, and ongoing power struggles. A recent incident involving an attack on Elder Statesman, Chief Edwin Clarke, by a faction of Arewa youths has stirred controversy and drawn condemnation from key Northern leaders. Notably, Musa Saidu, a prominent Arewa leader, has strongly criticized the group’s actions, describing them as reckless and divisive, while reaffirming his commitment to fostering peace and national unity.

Background of the Incident

Chief Edwin Clarke, a revered figure from the Niger Delta and a staunch advocate for the rights of his people, recently came under attack from a faction of Arewa youths. The group accused Clarke of being responsible for the political turmoil in Rivers State, linking his influence to ongoing unrest in the region. These accusations, however, have raised concerns across political and social circles, particularly given Clarke’s long-standing role as a national figure and champion of equity and justice.

Musa Saidu, an influential leader within the Arewa community, has responded to these allegations with a firm and unequivocal condemnation. Known for his efforts to bridge divides between Northern and Southern Nigeria, Saidu expressed dismay at the actions of the youths, urging them to adopt a more responsible approach to addressing national issues. In a strongly worded statement, he rejected the accusations against Clarke, calling for greater understanding and dialogue to address the country's challenges.

Musa Saidu’s Response

Musa Saidu’s rebuttal of the Arewa youths' accusations was clear and direct. He criticized the baseless nature of their claims, asserting that such divisive rhetoric only serves to fuel ethnic discord. Saidu emphasized that blaming Clarke for the political situation in Rivers State was both irresponsible and unfounded. He reminded the youths that Clarke has always been a proponent of national unity and that his advocacy for the Niger Delta should not be misinterpreted as interference in the internal affairs of other regions.

“Chief Edwin Clarke has always prioritized the development and prosperity of the Niger Delta. Suggesting that he is behind the political tensions in Rivers State is a gross misrepresentation of facts,” Saidu said. He further cautioned that such unfounded accusations could destabilize fragile relationships between Nigeria’s regions, and urged the Arewa youths to refrain from actions that could deepen existing divides.

Understanding Rivers State’s Political Challenges

The political unrest in Rivers State is rooted in a complex mix of historical grievances, leadership struggles, and regional power dynamics. Over the years, the state has witnessed significant political instability, often driven by local rivalries, economic interests, and governance challenges in a region with vast oil wealth.

Attributing these issues to Chief Clarke oversimplifies a deeply rooted problem. Clarke, while influential, is primarily focused on advocating for resource control and environmental justice for the Niger Delta region as a whole. His involvement in Rivers State’s internal politics is minimal, and Musa Saidu emphasized that blaming Clarke for the state’s troubles is not only misplaced but reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation.

Saidu argued that it is critical to distinguish between legitimate advocacy for regional development and the political intricacies that exist within individual states. He urged the Arewa youths to recognize that their claims against Clarke were misguided and lacked a thorough understanding of the true causes of Rivers State’s political challenges.

The Role of Arewa Youths in National Discourse

In his response, Musa Saidu also took the opportunity to address the broader role of youth groups, particularly those in Northern Nigeria, in shaping national discourse. He expressed disappointment that certain factions of the Arewa youths were allowing themselves to be used as instruments in political schemes. According to Saidu, youth groups should be focused on fostering unity and contributing to national development, rather than stoking division and conflict.

“Youths, especially those from the North, have a pivotal role to play in the future of Nigeria. Instead of engaging in baseless accusations and causing further division, they should focus on initiatives that promote unity and national cohesion. Our strength lies in our diversity, and we must not let political interests obscure that fact,” Saidu remarked.

A Call for Dialogue and National Unity

Musa Saidu’s response to the attack on Edwin Clarke is a strong call for restraint, dialogue, and unity. He urged Nigerian youths, particularly those from the North, to concentrate on building bridges between the country’s diverse regions and ethnic groups. In a period when Nigeria faces numerous challenges, ranging from economic difficulties to security threats, Saidu stressed the importance of working together to address these issues for the collective good of the nation.

He emphasized the need for constructive dialogue, urging Nigerians to avoid accusations that could exacerbate regional and ethnic tensions. Saidu called on national leaders to rise above petty squabbles and focus on addressing pressing national concerns such as poverty, unemployment, and insecurity, which continue to affect millions across the country.


Musa Saidu’s condemnation of the attack on Chief Edwin Clarke by Arewa youths serves as a timely reminder of the need for responsibility and caution in Nigeria’s national discourse. As the country navigates its complex political landscape, leaders like Saidu are advocating for greater unity, mutual understanding, and cooperation across regional and ethnic lines.

By defending Clarke, an elder statesman, Saidu has sent a strong message that Nigeria’s future depends on leaders who prioritize peace and national development over baseless accusations and divisive politics. His words serve both as a rebuke to those seeking to sow discord and as a call to action for all Nigerians to work together in building a more unified, diverse, and prosperous nation.

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