
Edwin Clark Criticizes Wike for Alleged Divided Loyalties and Excessive Influence

Wisdom Tide


In a recent broadcast on Arise News, elder statesman and prominent leader of the Niger Delta, Chief Edwin Clark, delivered a scathing critique of the former Governor of Rivers State and current Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nyesom Wike. Clark, known for his strong political views, accused Wike of erratic behavior and fostering divided loyalties between Nigeria’s two major political parties, the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC). His criticism was far-reaching, alleging Wike's attempt to protect himself from legal scrutiny, calling for his arrest, and highlighting his perceived unchecked power.

Wike’s Divided Loyalties

Chief Clark's accusations center on what he perceives as Wike’s political indecisiveness. He asserts that Wike, once a prominent figure in the PDP, now has one foot in the APC while still maintaining ties with his former party. According to Clark, this divided allegiance reflects Wike's self-serving agenda, rather than a commitment to any political ideology or party loyalty.

"Wike is already dancing naked in the marketplace, with one leg in the PDP and one left in the APC," Clark stated, using a metaphor to depict Wike’s precarious position in Nigeria’s political landscape. Clark’s reference to Wike's simultaneous connections to both parties suggests that he is engaging in a dangerous political balancing act, potentially to safeguard personal interests.

This critique is significant in the context of Nigeria’s political environment, where party loyalty is often a cornerstone of political survival and influence. Wike’s recent acceptance of the role of FCT Minister in President Bola Tinubu's APC administration, despite being a member of the PDP, has drawn the ire of party loyalists and political commentators alike. Many view this move as an opportunistic switch driven by personal ambitions, further solidifying the narrative of divided loyalties.

Allegations of Financial Misconduct

In addition to accusations of political inconsistency, Chief Clark went on to suggest that Wike may be seeking protection for alleged financial improprieties during his tenure as governor of Rivers State. Wike served as governor of the oil-rich state from 2015 to 2023, during which his administration was marked by ambitious infrastructural projects, as well as controversies surrounding financial management.

Clark did not mince words in his assertion that Wike is attempting to shield himself from possible legal actions regarding misappropriated funds. “Either he wants a structure to protect the money he has stolen in Rivers State or for something else,” Clark remarked, adding weight to rumors of financial misconduct that have occasionally surfaced in the public sphere.

The gravity of this allegation cannot be understated, as it ties Wike’s recent political maneuvers to an alleged attempt to avoid accountability. While there has been no formal investigation or legal process initiated against Wike on these grounds, Clark's statements could potentially stir further discourse and scrutiny over Wike's handling of state finances during his time as governor.

Calls for Arrest on Grounds of Treason

Perhaps the most startling part of Edwin Clark’s critique is his charge of treason against Nyesom Wike. He argued that Wike’s actions amount to a betrayal of Nigeria’s constitutional order and called for his immediate arrest. “Wike has committed treason, he should be arrested with a warrant,” Clark asserted, though he did not provide specific examples of treasonous behavior.

The charge of treason is a serious one, as it typically involves attempts to overthrow or undermine the government. Clark’s use of this term in connection with Wike’s behavior likely stems from his belief that Wike’s divided loyalties and wielding of influence across multiple political and judicial domains pose a threat to the integrity of Nigeria’s democratic institutions. While such a charge remains speculative without formal evidence or legal proceedings, it reflects the depth of Clark's concern over Wike’s role in the current political climate.

Wike’s Alleged Control Over the Judiciary

Adding to his concerns about Wike's conduct, Chief Clark raised alarms over what he perceives as Wike’s undue influence over the judiciary. He asserted that Wike, despite no longer holding the position of governor, continues to exert significant control across key institutions, including the judiciary.

"Wike believes that the only person he respects is the President. Today, Wike is controlling everything, including the judiciary,” Clark stated. This accusation implies that Wike has positioned himself in a place of overwhelming influence, particularly within the judicial system, which should operate independently of political figures.

The alleged manipulation of the judiciary is a sensitive issue in Nigeria, where the rule of law and the independence of the courts are critical to the functioning of democracy. If true, such influence would represent a major breach of ethical governance and a threat to the country’s democratic processes. Clark’s assertion raises questions about the extent of Wike’s power and whether it undermines the impartiality of the judicial system.

Conclusion: A Call for Accountability and Caution

Edwin Clark’s comments serve as a powerful critique of Nyesom Wike’s current political conduct, highlighting a series of allegations that could have significant implications for both Wike's political future and Nigeria's broader political landscape. From accusations of divided loyalties and financial impropriety to the charge of treason and undue control over the judiciary, Clark’s statements underscore the need for greater accountability and scrutiny of political leaders.

While Wike has not formally responded to these allegations, the concerns raised by Clark reflect growing tensions within Nigeria’s political system, where issues of loyalty, power, and influence continue to shape the dynamics of governance. If there is any truth to the allegations, Wike could find himself at the center of further political and legal challenges. Conversely, if the accusations are unsubstantiated, this could merely be another episode in Nigeria’s often contentious political discourse.

Ultimately, Clark’s call for Wike’s arrest and his assertion that Wike respects only the President suggest a belief that unchecked power and divided allegiances pose significant risks to Nigeria’s democratic fabric. In a nation where governance relies heavily on the integrity of political leaders, these allegations, whether proven or not, serve as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in leadership.

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