Flood-Alert:-NIHSA-Warns-Residents-of-the-following-States-as-River Benue-Water-Levels-Rise

Flood Alert: NIHSA Warns Residents of the following States as River Benue Water Levels Rise

By Wisdom Tide
September 23, 2024

The Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) and the Benue State government have issued an urgent warning regarding the rapidly rising water levels in the River Benue, signaling an impending risk of severe flooding. The announcement follows consistent reports of rising water levels at key monitoring stations along the river, with the potential for significant impact on communities living near its banks.

In preparation for potential flooding, the Benue State government has designated several Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps to accommodate those likely to be affected. Residents of flood-prone areas, particularly those residing close to the riverbanks, have been strongly advised to relocate to these safer areas.

Rising Water Levels: An Alarming Trend

Recent data provided by NIHSA has indicated a steady and concerning increase in water levels in the River Benue. This rise is expected to lead to extensive flooding if immediate action is not taken by the public and authorities.

According to NIHSA's report, water levels recorded at key hydrological gauge stations are as follows:

  • Wuro Boki: 6.36 meters
  • Jimeta Bridge: 5.04 meters
  • Ibbi Station: 8.2 meters
  • Makurdi: 9.4 meters
  • Lokoja (Niger River): 8.68 meters

These readings suggest that water levels, especially at Makurdi and Ibbi stations, have reached critical thresholds, placing the River Benue Basin under a high flood risk alert.

Preventive Measures and Warnings

In light of these rising water levels, NIHSA has emphasized the need for immediate preventive measures, particularly in states along the river identified as vulnerable to flooding. The agency has recommended that residents of flood-prone areas evacuate immediately to minimize the risk of loss of life and property.

"The water levels at our critical stations along the River Benue Basin as of Saturday, September 21, 2024, indicate a steady increase towards flood levels," NIHSA reported. The agency also stressed the urgency of improving water conveyance and flood containment efforts to safeguard vulnerable communities.

NIHSA's Director of Operational Hydrology, Femi Bejide, underscored the importance of taking these warnings seriously, as river flooding is imminent. "The flooding we are witnessing now is primarily caused by heavy rainfall and precipitation. However, river flooding is about to commence, and it is expected to be severe," he cautioned.

Vulnerable States and Recurring Challenges

Bejide pointed out that certain states, such as Bayelsa and Jigawa, are particularly susceptible to flooding due to their geographical features. Despite repeated warnings, many residents continue to live on flood plains, exacerbating the problem.

"Authorities have consistently advised against building on flood plains, but the practice persists," Bejide lamented. "We have repeatedly asked people to relocate from these high-risk areas, but the response has been slow, and the problem continues."

He further noted that the expectation of government palliatives has delayed some residents from taking proactive steps, with the politicization of relief efforts complicating flood response measures.

Benue State's Preparedness and Designated IDP Camps

In response to the flood warnings, the Benue State government has set up several IDP camps to accommodate those displaced by the impending floods. According to Aondowase Kunde, the Benue State Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, the following locations have been designated as IDP camps in Makurdi and surrounding areas:

  • International Market
  • Suswam Thank You Primary School
  • Demekpe Primary School
  • Akume Atongo Stadium in Katsina-Ala
  • RCM Primary School in Logo

Kunde stressed that these camps are prepared to accommodate the expected influx of residents who will be displaced by the rising waters.

Urgent Call for Evacuation

Odoh Ugwu, the Benue State Commissioner for Water Resources, Environment, and Climate Change, also made an impassioned plea to those living along the riverbanks to relocate to the designated IDP camps as the situation worsens. "Between Saturday and Sunday morning, the water level has risen significantly and is nearing a dangerous point," Ugwu stated.

He explained that authorities had received an alert regarding the release of water from the Lagdo Dam, located upstream in Cameroon. The dam’s water release, which began last Wednesday, is expected to last for seven days. Sunday marked the fifth day of the water release, and the situation is becoming increasingly critical.

"As of this morning, the water levels have reached alarming heights. On Saturday morning, the level was 09.40 meters; by the evening, it had increased to 09.50 meters, and by Sunday morning, it had reached 09.57 meters," Ugwu revealed.

Anticipating the Worst: Taking Proactive Measures

Commissioner Ugwu urged residents to take the flood warnings seriously and evacuate immediately. Comparing current water levels with those from the previous year, he noted that the highest water level recorded in 2023 was 10.20 meters, during a period of heavy rainfall.

"Given the current rate of increase, it is likely that by the end of today, we will reach 10 meters, if not higher," Ugwu warned.

The commissioner reiterated the need for proactive measures, urging residents to move to safer, higher ground as soon as possible. "The situation is becoming more dangerous by the hour, and we need to act swiftly to prevent a disaster," he said.

Conclusion: A Call for Vigilance and Action

As the River Benue continues to rise, the risk of severe flooding looms large over communities in its vicinity. Both NIHSA and the Benue State government have issued multiple warnings, advising residents to take immediate action and relocate to safer areas.

The proactive establishment of IDP camps and the consistent monitoring of water levels reflect the authorities’ commitment to mitigating the effects of this natural disaster. However, the responsibility also lies with residents to heed the warnings and prioritize their safety.

With the situation developing rapidly, timely evacuation and vigilance will be critical in minimizing the impact of the floods. Residents are urged to stay informed through updates from NIHSA and local authorities as efforts to manage and mitigate the risk of flooding continue

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