Full-List-of-Ministers-Tinubu-Was Told-to- Sack-and-the-Reasons

Full List of Ministers Tinubu Was Told to Sack and the Reasons

Wisdom Tide


Since his inauguration as the President of Nigeria in May 2023, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has faced intense scrutiny regarding his cabinet and government appointees. As the nation strives to address numerous challenges—ranging from economic downturns to security issues—calls for the dismissal of certain ministers in Tinubu's cabinet have grown louder. These demands stem from various quarters, including opposition parties, civil society organizations, and even members of his own political fold. Below is a list of ministers Tinubu has been urged to sack, alongside the reasons behind such demands.

1. Minister of Communications and Digital Economy:

The Minister of Communications and Digital Economy has faced harsh criticism due to perceived inefficiencies in addressing critical infrastructure issues in Nigeria's digital space. The country continues to struggle with broadband penetration, cybersecurity threats, and digital literacy, which are key drivers for economic growth in a world increasingly driven by technology.

Critics argue that despite promises of improving the sector, the minister’s performance has fallen short. Allegations of incompetence, especially in handling data privacy concerns and ensuring a functional and secure online environment, have plagued the ministry. Many have advocated for a more tech-savvy and forward-thinking leader to spearhead Nigeria’s digital transformation.

2. Minister of Finance:

Another name that has come up in discussions regarding sackings is the Minister of Finance. Nigeria's economy continues to grapple with high inflation, a depreciating currency, and massive debt. These economic woes have led many to question the minister’s competence in formulating and executing fiscal policies that would stabilize the economy.

The primary reason behind calls for this minister’s removal revolves around their inability to curb the nation’s economic downturn. The policies put in place, especially those concerning subsidies and taxation, have been criticized for exacerbating the hardship on the average Nigerian. Moreover, there have been concerns about a lack of transparency in managing the nation's finances, which has fueled public outrage.

3. Minister of Education:

The education sector in Nigeria has long been in a state of decline, with underfunded schools, lack of infrastructure, and poor quality of education being the norm. Over the years, the crisis has worsened, as highlighted by frequent university strikes and an education system that fails to equip students with the necessary skills for the modern economy.

The Minister of Education has been blamed for failing to address these issues. Critics argue that under their leadership, there has been little progress in reversing the decline of the education sector. With schools struggling to stay open due to inadequate funding, coupled with the increasing unemployment of graduates, many believe that the minister lacks the vision and leadership needed to revitalize the sector.

4. Minister of Health:

Nigeria’s health sector is another area where there have been calls for leadership change. The country continues to face challenges in healthcare delivery, with limited access to medical services in rural areas, a poor health infrastructure, and a shortage of qualified medical personnel.

The Minister of Health has been accused of not doing enough to address the myriad issues in the sector. Critics have particularly highlighted the lack of a coherent strategy to improve healthcare services and the ongoing brain drain of medical professionals to other countries. In a time when healthcare is critical for the well-being of the population, particularly in light of global health challenges, the minister’s inability to implement reforms has drawn the ire of many.

5. Minister of Agriculture:

Agriculture remains one of the most important sectors in Nigeria, contributing significantly to the country's economy and providing employment for millions. However, the challenges of food security, poor mechanization, and outdated farming techniques have persisted for years. The Minister of Agriculture has come under fire for failing to address these problems, with critics accusing the minister of poor policy implementation and a lack of innovation in the sector.

Many have argued that the minister has not done enough to support small-scale farmers or introduce modern agricultural practices that would boost productivity. The agricultural sector's stagnation has had dire consequences for Nigeria's food security, with rising food prices affecting the livelihood of millions. Consequently, calls for the minister's dismissal are driven by the need for a more proactive approach to agriculture.

6. Minister of Petroleum Resources:

The petroleum industry in Nigeria has been a subject of controversy for decades, plagued by corruption, inefficiency, and environmental degradation. The Minister of Petroleum Resources has been heavily criticized for failing to adequately address the persistent fuel shortages, inefficiencies in the oil refining process, and the slow implementation of oil sector reforms.

In a country that depends so heavily on oil revenues, the mismanagement of this sector has far-reaching implications. Despite repeated promises of reforms and improved transparency, little progress has been made, leading to public frustration. Many believe that new leadership in the ministry is necessary to address the industry's longstanding challenges and reposition it as a cornerstone of Nigeria’s economy.

7. Minister of Power:

Nigeria's power sector remains one of its most significant challenges. Despite being Africa’s largest economy, the country continues to suffer from erratic power supply, with many regions enduring daily blackouts. The Minister of Power has been accused of failing to deliver on promises to revamp the sector and ensure a stable electricity supply for both households and industries.

Public criticism has centered on the minister’s inability to implement reforms that would encourage investment in renewable energy, upgrade outdated infrastructure, and reduce the country’s reliance on expensive and inefficient fossil fuel power generation. Given the central role that reliable electricity plays in economic development, there have been growing calls for the minister's removal in favor of someone with a more innovative approach.

8. Minister of Transportation:

The transportation sector in Nigeria has faced longstanding issues, including dilapidated roads, congested ports, and inefficient rail networks. The Minister of Transportation has been blamed for the slow pace of infrastructure development in this critical sector, particularly in terms of failing to implement comprehensive transportation policies that would ease the movement of goods and people.

The country’s poor transportation network has hampered economic growth and raised the cost of doing business. Critics argue that the minister has not provided a clear vision for improving the sector and, as a result, many have called for a change in leadership to bring fresh ideas and energy into revamping Nigeria’s transportation infrastructure.


The growing dissatisfaction with these ministers stems from Nigeria's urgent need for effective governance in critical sectors. As President Tinubu faces mounting pressure to deliver on his promises of reform, the performance of his ministers will continue to be a focal point of public debate. While sacking ministers may not be a silver bullet for solving all of Nigeria's challenges, bringing in leaders with fresh perspectives and innovative approaches could be an important step in restoring public confidence and driving the country towards a brighter future.

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