Ijaw-Youth-Council-Condemns-Civic-Reception-for-Wike-Amid-Tragedy- A-Misguided-Political-Maneuver

Ijaw Youth Council Condemns Civic Reception for Wike Amid Tragedy: A Misguided Political Maneuver

By Wisdom Tide 

September 30, 2024

The leadership of the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC), Eastern Zone, has disassociated the Ijaw ethnic group from a recent civic reception held in honor of former Rivers State Governor and current Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nyesom Wike. The event, organized by a group identified as "desperate politicians" under the banner of the Rivers Ijaw People’s Congress, took place in Port Harcourt. In a statement signed by IYC Chairman, Comrade Prince Datolu Sukubo, and Secretary, Comrade Tamunokuro Dango, the council condemned the reception, questioning both its timing and purpose.

Subheading 2: Disrespect During Mourning Period

The IYC expressed outrage over the insensitivity of holding such an event during a time of mourning within the Ijaw community. The community has been grieving the recent deaths of several innocent individuals during the IYC Eastern Zone election in Abuloma. Describing the reception as ill-timed and inappropriate, the IYC criticized the organizers for ignoring the somber mood and the pain felt by the affected families.

"The timing of this civic reception is particularly inappropriate, given that the Ijaw land is still mourning the loss of innocent lives during the recent election in Abuloma," the statement read. "It is both heartless and insensitive to hold such an event, especially so close to the location where these tragic events unfolded. The reception is akin to dancing on the graves of the deceased."

Subheading 3: Venue and Insensitivity to the Loss of Lives

The IYC further condemned the choice of venue, noting that the reception was held in the Amadi-Ama axis of Port Harcourt, close to the location of the recent election violence. This, they argued, showed a blatant disregard for the lives lost during the unfortunate incident. The council saw the event as an insult to the grieving families and the wider Ijaw community.

"The gathering in Amadi-Ama, a short distance from where the bloodshed occurred, is not only disrespectful but also an affront to the memory of the deceased," the IYC said.

Subheading 4: Political Opportunism and Disunity

The IYC labeled the event a meeting of "strange bedfellows"—an alliance of frustrated politicians, conspirators, and adversaries of the current Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, an Ijaw native. According to the IYC, the event’s organizers were politically motivated, aiming to disrupt the peace in Rivers State and position themselves for influence ahead of the 2027 political landscape.

"The so-called Rivers Ijaw People’s Congress is nothing more than a political pressure group created by disenchanted politicians loyal to the FCT Minister. Their agenda is to massage the ego of the Minister and promote political godfatherism, a concept foreign to Rivers State politics," the IYC stated.

Subheading 5: Mourning and the Pursuit of Justice

Alongside their criticism of the reception, the IYC expressed condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the Abuloma election violence. They acknowledged the comments made by the traditional ruler of Abuloma, His Royal Highness (Brig. Gen.) King Bright Ateke Fiboinumama (rtd), who attributed the violence to the interference of rival groups intent on causing chaos during the election.

The IYC praised King Ateke for speaking out boldly on the issue and commended the Ijaw National Congress (INC) and other key Ijaw leaders for their swift actions in investigating the violent incident.

"The new leadership of IYC Eastern Zone will cooperate fully with the INC to ensure that the truth behind the violence is uncovered, and that those responsible are held accountable. This is essential not only for justice but also for redeeming the reputation of the Ijaw Nation," the IYC emphasized.

Subheading 6: Calls for Discipline and Accountability

The IYC’s condemnation was echoed by several Ijaw observers who called for the discipline of those who attended Wike’s civic reception. These critics accused attendees of acting out of personal gain, driven by financial incentives rather than loyalty to the Ijaw cause.

"These individuals are not true representatives of the Ijaw people. They are shameless opportunists who have betrayed the values of the Ijaw Nation," one critic remarked. "Ijaws, both at home and in the diaspora, must condemn their actions and hold them accountable for their disgraceful conduct."

Subheading 7: Ijaw Unity and the Pursuit of Truth

In conclusion, the IYC leadership, along with many within the Ijaw community, remain resolute in their opposition to the civic reception held in Wike’s honor. They see the event as a politically motivated maneuver that disrespects the recent tragedies and undermines the unity of the Ijaw people. As the IYC collaborates with the INC and other leaders to uncover the truth behind the violence, they are committed to ensuring that justice is served and that the dignity of the Ijaw Nation is upheld.

"The Ijaw Nation must stand united in the face of these challenges, and we will not allow political distractions to undermine our integrity and shared values," the IYC concluded.

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