
Lagosians' Concerns Over South-Westerners, Not Igbo Residents

Wisdom Tide 

In a recent statement, the De Renaissance Patriots Foundation, a group representing indigenous Lagosians, expressed concern over the influence and activities of non-indigenous Yoruba individuals from other South-Western states in Lagos. The group emphasized that contrary to popular belief, their issue is not with the Igbo community residing in Lagos, but rather with South-Westerners from other states who occupy key positions in Lagos.

Concerns Over Non-Indigenous Influence in Key Positions

The president of the De Renaissance Patriots Foundation, Mr. Miftah Bolaji Are, during a visit to Ikorodu, highlighted the growing frustration among native Lagosians over the dominance of individuals from other South-Western states in critical roles within the state. According to him, these non-indigenous Yoruba individuals have managed to secure significant offices in Lagos, often masquerading as Lagos natives, thereby sidelining the true sons and daughters of the state.

Are noted that this situation has led to a growing sense of marginalization among indigenous Lagosians. "We are tired of these non-indigenous individuals pretending to be Lagosians," Are stated. He went on to express the group's dissatisfaction with the fact that these individuals have taken advantage of opportunities meant for native Lagosians, and have used their positions to further their own interests at the expense of the local population.

Deceptive Practices Marginalizing True Lagosians

The group's president voiced particular frustration over the deceptive practices employed by these individuals, accusing them of disguising themselves as Lagosians to seize opportunities and power within the state. According to Are, this deception has not only disadvantaged true Lagosians but has also led to the erosion of local cultural and political influence.

Are asserted that the perpetuation of this false identity by non-indigenous South-Westerners is unacceptable and would no longer be tolerated. The group called for a reassessment of the role these individuals play in Lagos's political and social structures, emphasizing the need for indigenous Lagosians to reclaim their rightful place in the governance and development of the state.

No Issues with Igbo Residents

In contrast to the frustrations with non-indigenous South-Westerners, the De Renaissance Patriots Foundation made it clear that they do not harbor any animosity towards the Igbo community residing in Lagos. According to Are, the group has no issues with the Igbo, contrary to the perception held by some that the Igbo are seeking to dominate Lagos. He clarified that while some have blamed the Igbo for trying to exert control over the state, the real issue lies with individuals from other South-Western states.

Are argued that the widespread belief that the Igbo are trying to take over Lagos is a misconception. He explained that it is not the Igbo who are involved in land grabs or issuing Certificates of Occupancy (C-of-Os) to non-indigenous people. Instead, it is the non-indigenous South-Westerners who are engaging in these activities, thereby contributing to the marginalization of native Lagosians.

South-Westerners Blamed for Exploitation of Lagos

The group’s president emphasized that the true culprits behind the exploitation of Lagos are not the Igbo, but rather South-Westerners from outside the state. Are questioned whether the Igbo have the authority to approve C-of-Os or to allocate land to non-indigenous people, and pointed out that it is non-indigenous South-Westerners who are responsible for these actions.

"We do not have any issues with the Igbo," Are reiterated. "It is individuals from the South-West who are our problem." He explained that while some have tried to blame the Igbo for seeking control of Lagos, the reality is that it is South-Westerners from other states who are unfairly attempting to claim Lagos for themselves.

Conclusion: A Call for Fair Representation

The De Renaissance Patriots Foundation's statement serves as a call for fair representation and respect for the rights of indigenous Lagosians. The group’s leadership has made it clear that while the Igbo are not seen as a threat, the actions of non-indigenous South-Westerners pose a significant challenge to the interests of true Lagosians. As the group continues to voice its concerns, it remains to be seen whether these issues will be addressed in the political and social landscape of Lagos, ensuring that indigenous Lagosians are not sidelined in their own state.

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