Leave-Our-Party-Alone' - PDP-Accuses Tinubu-Led-Government-of-Fuelling-its-Internal-Conflicts

Leave Our Party Alone' - PDP Accuses Tinubu-Led Government of Fuelling its Internal Conflicts

Wisdom Tide


The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has issued a stern warning to the All Progressives Congress (APC)-led federal government under President Bola Tinubu, accusing it of meddling in the internal affairs of the party. According to the PDP leadership, the actions of the federal government and the ruling APC are aimed at destabilizing the party and exploiting internal conflicts for political advantage.

In a statement released by the PDP's National Publicity Secretary, the opposition party alleged that the Tinubu-led administration is deliberately fostering divisions within the PDP in an attempt to weaken its prospects ahead of upcoming elections. This accusation marks yet another point of contention between Nigeria’s two major political parties and further escalates the political tension that has characterized the nation’s democratic space in recent years.

Allegations of Political Interference

The PDP’s accusation against the Tinubu administration is not the first instance where opposition parties have claimed that the ruling government was interfering in their internal processes. The PDP leadership claims that the current federal government has been using both overt and covert tactics to deepen divisions within the party. Specifically, it alleges that high-level government officials and agencies are funding and supporting factions within the PDP to cause confusion and disrupt party unity.

According to the PDP, these efforts are aimed at reducing the party's effectiveness as a strong opposition force capable of challenging the APC in the forthcoming elections. The PDP's leadership maintains that the party has always stood firm against such divisive tactics in the past and will continue to do so, urging its members to stay united.

"The PDP will not be distracted by the APC's insidious attempts to destabilize our great party. We call on President Bola Tinubu and his administration to focus on the business of governance and leave our party alone," the National Publicity Secretary of the PDP said during a press briefing.

APC's Response to the Allegations

In response to the allegations, the APC has strongly denied any involvement in the internal workings of the PDP. An APC spokesperson called the PDP’s claims "baseless" and "a sign of internal disarray within their ranks." According to the APC, the current administration remains focused on delivering good governance and has no interest in interfering in the affairs of other political parties.

The spokesperson further added that the PDP should take responsibility for its internal challenges instead of blaming external forces. "The PDP’s problems are of their own making. They have consistently failed to put their house in order, and it is convenient for them to point fingers at the APC instead of addressing the real issues within their party," the APC representative said.

History of Internal Str

uggles within the PDP

The internal struggles within the PDP have been a recurring theme in recent years. Since its loss of power at the federal level in 2015, the party has faced a series of leadership crises, defections, and factional disputes that have undermined its cohesion. These issues have often played out publicly, with different factions of the party clashing over leadership positions and the direction of the party.

One of the major conflicts within the PDP has been the tension between the party’s national leadership and certain influential members at the state level. These disagreements have frequently resulted in public outbursts, court cases, and the formation of splinter groups, which the ruling APC has often been accused of exploiting. Despite efforts to reconcile and unite the party, these internal issues continue to haunt the PDP as it seeks to reposition itself as a credible alternative to the APC.

However, the recent accusations from the PDP suggest that the party believes its internal divisions are being exacerbated by the actions of external actors, particularly those within the Tinubu administration. PDP leaders have called for an internal review and unity within the party, urging members to resist external interference and focus on collective goals ahead of future elections.

The Role of Factional Politics

Factionalism is not unique to the PDP; it is a feature of many political parties in Nigeria’s multiparty system. In a highly competitive political environment, factions can emerge around issues of leadership, ideology, or the allocation of political appointments and resources. The PDP's leadership crisis, particularly during the lead-up to the 2023 general elections, has been seen as a significant factor contributing to its perceived instability.

Some political analysts argue that the APC, now in power for a third consecutive term, has used its position to weaken opposition parties by exploiting factional divisions. Allegations of political interference through government agencies, financial inducements, and even judicial rulings have been made by various opposition groups, including the PDP.

Nonetheless, the PDP must address these internal divisions if it hopes to regain political prominence. A divided party will struggle to mount an effective challenge to the APC, and without strong internal cohesion, the PDP may continue to face difficulties in consolidating its role as Nigeria’s leading opposition party.

Call for Unity within the PDP

In light of the ongoing challenges, the leadership of the PDP has repeatedly emphasized the need for internal unity. PDP National Chairman, among other party leaders, has called on members to close ranks and work together to resolve disputes without involving external actors. The chairman highlighted that unity is essential if the party is to stand any chance of regaining power in the future.

“The APC would love to see us divided, but we must resist such attempts and remain strong and united. We call on all members of our great party, from the national level to the grassroots, to put aside personal differences and focus on our shared objectives,” the PDP chairman stated in a recent meeting with party stakeholders.

Efforts are being made within the PDP to reconcile different factions and ensure that internal conflicts do not derail the party's chances in future elections. Some analysts have suggested that the party’s success in overcoming its internal divisions will depend largely on how well it can manage the competing interests within its ranks and maintain discipline among its members.

A Broader Issue of Democratic Stability

The PDP’s accusations against the APC-led government also raise broader concerns about the health of Nigeria’s democracy. When ruling parties are accused of interfering in the internal affairs of opposition parties, it undermines the principles of fair competition and political pluralism, which are cornerstones of democracy. Persistent allegations of political interference, if proven true, could further erode public confidence in the political process and create an atmosphere of distrust among political actors.

Moreover, the tendency of parties to blame external forces for internal crises reflects a larger challenge in Nigeria's political system, where opposition parties often struggle to maintain internal cohesion. As democracy matures, there is a need for stronger political institutions and parties that can function independently and serve as credible alternatives to the ruling party.


The PDP’s call for the Tinubu-led government to "leave our party alone" reflects ongoing tensions between Nigeria’s two main political parties. While the PDP accuses the APC of meddling in its internal affairs to weaken the opposition, the APC has categorically denied these claims, calling them a reflection of the PDP's internal disorganization.

Ultimately, the PDP must focus on resolving its internal conflicts and fostering unity if it hopes to present a viable challenge to the ruling party in future elections. At the same time, the federal government must ensure that its actions do not undermine democratic norms or fuel perceptions of interference in the political process. Both parties must strive to maintain the integrity of Nigeria’s democratic system, ensuring that political competition remains fair and transparent for the benefit of the nation.

As Nigeria moves toward future elections, the eyes of the public will be on both the PDP and the APC to see how they navigate these accusations and counter-accusations. The strength of the opposition is crucial in a democracy, and any attempts to undermine it could have far-reaching consequences for the political stability of the country

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