Obasanjo-Declines-to-Advise-Tinubu,-Warns-Nigeria-Is -Sitting-on-a-Keg-of-Gunpowder

Obasanjo Declines to Advise Tinubu, Warns Nigeria Is 'Sitting on a Keg of Gunpowder'

By Wisdom Tide

Date: September 27, 2024

Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo has once again sparked debate with his candid remarks about the state of the nation. Known for his unfiltered opinions on matters of governance, Obasanjo recently expressed a reluctance to offer advice to the administration of President Bola Tinubu. During a public address, the former president stated, “I am not looking for a job,” indicating his unwillingness to be drawn into the political fray or take on an advisory role.

This stance by Obasanjo underscores a clear decision to distance himself from the Tinubu-led government at a time when Nigeria is facing a series of escalating crises. His statement, while brief, has generated significant discussion, particularly because of his historic involvement in Nigerian politics and his readiness to intervene during periods of national instability. Obasanjo’s refusal to engage with Tinubu’s administration has prompted questions about the leadership challenges facing the country, especially in the context of his alarming warning that Nigeria is "sitting on a keg of gunpowder."

Obasanjo's Cautionary Message

The metaphor of Nigeria sitting on a "keg of gunpowder" resonates with the increasing sense of instability and discontent in the country. In the video of Obasanjo’s address, his message was clear: Nigeria is at a tipping point. This stark warning comes amid growing concerns over the country’s political and economic direction. Obasanjo’s choice of words suggests that the current conditions could erupt into chaos if not properly managed.

Under President Tinubu’s leadership, Nigeria has experienced a surge in inflation, escalating fuel prices, and widespread economic hardship. These developments have worsened the living conditions of millions of Nigerians, sparking a wave of protests and strikes. The removal of fuel subsidies, a hallmark of Tinubu’s economic reforms, has been particularly controversial. While the administration defends the move as a necessary step toward economic stability, it has left many Nigerians struggling with the rising cost of living.

Obasanjo’s reference to a "keg of gunpowder" is a powerful critique of the current administration’s handling of these issues. The former president, who has seen Nigeria through difficult times, is cautioning that without immediate and decisive action, the country could descend into severe social unrest. His comments reflect a deep concern for the future of Nigeria, urging the government to prioritize the needs of its citizens before the situation becomes irreparable.

Economic Hardships and Public Discontent

The economic landscape in Nigeria has deteriorated significantly in recent months. The removal of fuel subsidies, while aimed at reducing government expenditure and attracting foreign investment, has led to a sharp increase in transportation and food costs. Inflation is at an all-time high, and many Nigerians are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. The rising cost of living has led to widespread dissatisfaction, with labor unions organizing protests and strikes in response to the government’s policies.

Obasanjo’s remarks come at a time when the gap between the government and the people appears to be widening. Many Nigerians feel disconnected from the leadership, as the government’s policies seem to favor the elite while neglecting the needs of the masses. The administration's inability to effectively address the economic challenges facing the country has intensified public frustration, leading to growing calls for a change in direction.

Social issues such as unemployment, insecurity, and poor infrastructure have exacerbated the situation. Nigeria’s youth, in particular, are feeling the brunt of these challenges, with many facing bleak prospects for the future. The failure to provide meaningful employment opportunities and improve the country’s infrastructure has only deepened the sense of despair. Obasanjo’s warning about the potential for social unrest is a reflection of the broader dissatisfaction that is bubbling beneath the surface.

The Leadership Dilemma

Obasanjo’s refusal to offer advice to President Tinubu is notable not just for what it says about the former president’s personal stance, but also for what it reveals about the broader leadership crisis in Nigeria. As one of Nigeria’s most influential political figures, Obasanjo has never shied away from providing counsel to successive governments. His decision to remain distant from Tinubu’s administration suggests a lack of confidence in the current leadership’s ability to steer the country out of its present difficulties.

Many political analysts believe that Obasanjo’s remarks are a direct indictment of Tinubu’s leadership style. The former president’s choice to abstain from advising the current government could be seen as a statement that Tinubu’s administration is not open to external advice or lacks the political will to implement meaningful reforms. Obasanjo’s warning may also be interpreted as a broader critique of Nigeria’s political elite, who are often accused of prioritizing personal gain over national interest.

Urgent Need for Reform

Obasanjo’s comments have sparked renewed debate over the need for urgent reform in Nigeria. The country’s political and economic systems are under immense strain, and many believe that without significant changes, Nigeria could face even greater instability in the coming years. There is a growing consensus that the government must take more decisive action to address the root causes of the country’s problems, including corruption, inefficiency, and poor governance.

Obasanjo’s metaphor of a "keg of gunpowder" serves as a powerful reminder of the stakes involved. If the current trajectory continues, Nigeria could face a period of prolonged unrest, with potentially disastrous consequences for the country’s social fabric and political stability. The government must take heed of these warnings and move swiftly to restore public confidence.


Olusegun Obasanjo’s refusal to advise President Tinubu and his stark warning about Nigeria’s future highlight the gravity of the challenges facing the country. With rising economic hardship, public discontent, and a leadership crisis, Nigeria is at a critical juncture. Obasanjo’s metaphor of the nation "sitting on a keg of gunpowder" reflects the growing instability that threatens the country’s future.

As Nigeria navigates this difficult period, the need for decisive leadership, economic reforms, and a renewed commitment to addressing the needs of the people has never been more urgent. Tinubu’s administration faces the daunting task of steering the country away from the brink of chaos and toward a more stable and prosperous future. Whether it can rise to the occasion remains to be seen, but the clock is ticking, and the consequences of inaction could be dire.

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