
Peter Obi Declares Tinubu’s Government a "Captured State"

Wisdom Tide 


In a bold statement to mark International Democracy Day, Peter Obi, the National Leader of the Labour Party, raised critical concerns about the administration of President Bola Tinubu. His message, which was released on September 15 and reported by Tribune Online on Monday, September 16, described the current Nigerian government as a "captured state." Obi's comments have ignited widespread discussions about the state of democracy in Nigeria and the extent to which the government is fulfilling its responsibility to the people.

A Government Compromised by Special Interests

Peter Obi's critique of President Tinubu’s administration centers on the idea that it has been compromised by powerful special interests. According to Obi, these interests have infiltrated the government, making it difficult for it to serve the needs of the broader population. This, he argues, has resulted in the erosion of democratic principles and undermined the foundations of good governance in Nigeria.

Obi's use of the term "captured state" suggests that the government is no longer independent or functioning in the best interest of the people, but rather is influenced and controlled by a select group of elites. He believes that this state capture is contributing to the growing disconnect between the government and its citizens, fostering a sense of alienation and frustration among the populace.

The Threat to Nigerian Democracy

As a former governor and a key opposition figure, Obi’s statement carries significant weight, especially in the context of Nigeria's fragile democratic system. His remarks come at a time when many Nigerians are already questioning the legitimacy and effectiveness of their leaders. Obi’s assertion that Nigeria's democracy is under threat highlights the importance of vigilance in protecting democratic norms and institutions.

“The government is no longer serving the interests of its citizens,” Obi warned, adding that this situation is a clear violation of democratic principles. He further suggested that the democratic system in Nigeria is at risk of being dismantled if immediate steps are not taken to restore accountability, transparency, and good governance.

Reclaiming Democracy: A Call to Action

Obi's statement was not just a critique but also a rallying call to the Nigerian people. He urged citizens to take proactive steps to reclaim their democracy, emphasizing that democracy is not a static system but one that requires constant engagement and active participation. According to him, the current political climate demands that Nigerians rise and demand more from their leaders.

He implored the people to hold the government accountable, stating that the future of the country’s democracy depends on the willingness of the people to challenge systems that fail to represent their interests. "We must uphold the tenets of democracy,” Obi said, underscoring the importance of safeguarding free speech, civil liberties, and the rule of law.

The Significance of International Democracy Day

Obi’s statement was timed to coincide with International Democracy Day, a day set aside by the United Nations to promote and uphold the principles of democracy. For Obi, this occasion served as a reminder of the importance of democratic values and the need for their preservation in Nigeria. He stressed that Nigeria, as a democratic nation, must adhere to the highest standards of governance and protect the rights of its citizens.

“In marking International Democracy Day, we must reflect on how far we have come and the challenges that lie ahead,” Obi said. He pointed out that democracy is about more than just holding elections; it is about ensuring that all citizens have a voice and that the government remains accountable to the people it serves.

The Erosion of Democratic Values

In his statement, Obi lamented the erosion of core democratic values in Nigeria, particularly under the current administration. He noted that freedom of speech and the press, which are fundamental to any democracy, have come under increasing pressure in recent years. Furthermore, he highlighted the weakening of critical institutions such as the judiciary and the legislature, which he believes have been compromised by undue political interference.

Obi also expressed concern over the growing culture of impunity in Nigeria, where government officials are often not held accountable for their actions. This, he warned, could have long-term consequences for the country’s democracy if not addressed. “When the rule of law is undermined, democracy cannot thrive,” Obi asserted.

The Role of Citizens in Strengthening Democracy

While Obi’s assessment of the current state of democracy in Nigeria was critical, he also offered a message of hope. He emphasized that the power to change the course of governance lies in the hands of the people. Obi called on Nigerians to be more active in civic life, to vote, to demand transparency, and to challenge leaders who fail to deliver on their promises.

According to Obi, it is only through collective action that Nigerians can build a more democratic and just society. He urged citizens not to be passive in the face of political and social challenges but to recognize their role as guardians of democracy. “The people must not shy away from their responsibility to protect and preserve democracy,” he said.

Sparking a National Conversation

Obi’s remarks have already sparked conversations across Nigeria about the future of democracy and governance in the country. His call for citizens to reclaim their democracy has resonated with many who are dissatisfied with the current political landscape. Across social media platforms and in public forums, Nigerians are engaging in debates about political accountability, the role of special interests, and the integrity of democratic institutions.

For many, Obi’s message serves as a wake-up call—a reminder that democracy is fragile and must be actively protected. His bold statement has brought to the forefront the urgent need for reform and the importance of citizen participation in governance.


Peter Obi's declaration of Tinubu's government as a "captured state" underscores the challenges facing Nigerian democracy. His message, delivered on the occasion of International Democracy Day, serves as both a critique of the current administration and a call to action for the Nigerian people. By emphasizing the need to uphold democratic principles and reclaim the political space from special interests, Obi has placed the responsibility of preserving democracy squarely in the hands of the citizens.

In a country where many feel increasingly disconnected from their government, Obi’s words offer a vision of hope and empowerment. His message is clear: democracy can only thrive when the people are engaged, vigilant, and ready to demand more from their leaders. As discussions around his statement continue, it remains to be seen how Nigerians will respond to this call for democratic renewal.

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