Senator-Mpigi-Urges-President Tinubu-to-Seek-Re-election-in-2027:-A-Controversial-Move

Senator Mpigi Urges President Tinubu to Seek Re-election in 2027: A Controversial Move

Wisdom Tide 

Bold Endorsement of Tinubu's 2027 Candidacy

Senator Barinada Mpigi, representing the Southeast Senatorial District of Rivers State, has made a bold and divisive political statement, urging President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to seek re-election in the 2027 presidential race. In his public endorsement, Mpigi highlighted President Tinubu’s infrastructure initiatives, particularly the ongoing coastal road project and the development of the Badagry Express Road, as justification for supporting Tinubu’s continuation in office. He described the road concreting efforts as "super" and credited Tinubu's leadership for improving the country's infrastructure.

Mpigi's public show of support for Tinubu has sparked controversy, given the president’s ongoing tenure and the existing hardships many Nigerians face under his administration. Many critics have found Mpigi's stance distasteful, viewing it as an endorsement of a leadership that they believe has failed to alleviate the suffering of ordinary citizens.

Praise for Infrastructure Development

Senator Mpigi centered his endorsement on what he perceives as Tinubu’s success in infrastructure. He pointed specifically to the projects that directly benefit the lives of Nigerians, particularly those in his constituency. The coastal road and the Badagry Express Road, he claimed, were prime examples of Tinubu’s commitment to developing the country. “We are also beneficiaries,” he said, noting that these projects had tangible positive effects on his region. Mpigi praised the ongoing work as highly impressive, emphasizing the quality of the road concreting as "super."

However, while infrastructure development is undeniably crucial, Mpigi’s critics argue that focusing solely on these projects disregards the broader context of economic hardship and social unrest that many Nigerians are currently experiencing.

Defiance of PDP Leadership

In a surprising and confrontational move, Mpigi also took aim at his own party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Despite being a PDP senator, he asserted that no one within his party could rival President Tinubu’s accomplishments. This bold statement is seen as a direct challenge to the PDP leadership and could result in disciplinary action against him. However, Mpigi has shown no signs of backing down, openly dismissing any potential consequences from his party.

During a live broadcast, Mpigi made his defiance clear: “What do we have to say? I don't think there's anybody that can come up in the People's Democratic Party that can contend with that, and I'm challenging all the people in the People's Democratic Party I belong to. If you like, send me another letter, you can call it a letter for invitation—I will not appear because I am totally supportive of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu."

Controversial Overconfidence and Party Disloyalty

Senator Mpigi’s endorsement of Tinubu, and his corresponding rejection of the PDP, has been widely criticized. His tone, described by many as overconfident and dismissive, suggests a disregard for party loyalty and respect for democratic norms. Mpigi’s apparent invincibility complex, as seen in his refusal to engage with his party’s leadership, signals a troubling level of arrogance for a public servant. This attitude has led to accusations of alienating both his party and the people he represents.

Moreover, Mpigi’s open defiance of the PDP and his boastful rhetoric have sparked concerns about his commitment to the principles of democracy and governance. By prioritizing personal loyalty to President Tinubu over party allegiance, he has positioned himself in direct opposition to the values of the political party under which he was elected. This behavior not only isolates him from his colleagues within the PDP but also raises questions about his long-term political future.


Senator Barinada Mpigi’s call for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to seek re-election in 2027 has ignited a storm of criticism and raised important questions about political loyalty and accountability. While Mpigi points to infrastructure projects as the basis for his support, many view his endorsement as an affront to those suffering under the current administration. His public defiance of the PDP further complicates his standing, setting the stage for potential conflict within his party. Whether Mpigi’s strategy will pay off in the long run, or lead to his political isolation, remains to be seen.

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