
Short Poem about Bayelsa: 

Title: Bayelsa The Land of Milk and Honey

Composed by Dave Ikiedei Asei 


.              Dave Ikiedei Asei 

Bayelsa calls, a land so fair,
With rivers wide and fertile air.
Her soils are rich, her waters deep,
Where treasures of the ocean sleep.

Beneath her skies, in golden light,
The Niger flows, a gleaming sight.
With mangrove trees that guard the shore,
A paradise that offers more.

Her fields of green, her skies of blue,
Are waiting for both me and you.
The wealth she hides in nature's chest,
Awaits the hands that seek the best.

With oil beneath, and crops to yield,
She offers more than just her field.
A place to grow, a place to thrive,
Where hopes are born, and dreams survive.

Her bounty flows like milk and wine,
A treasure trove by grand design.
The honey drips from every vine,
Her heart as pure as any sign.

So come and taste what she bestows,
Where every seed and dreamling grows.
Bayelsa stands, with open hands,
A promised land, on golden sands.

For those who seek, for those who dare,
Bayelsa’s wealth is theirs to share.
A land of promise, bright and true,
Where milk and honey wait for you

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