
Striving for Greatness: Embracing the Path to Excellence

            Williams Shakespeare 

"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."
— William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act 2, Scene 5

Greatness is an ideal that has captivated humanity for centuries. From the legends of ancient heroes to the modern-day success stories of entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators, the pursuit of greatness is a journey that many aspire to but few fully realize. Shakespeare’s words from Twelfth Night remind us that greatness comes in many forms. It may be an inherent quality, an outcome of determined effort, or a result of circumstances beyond our control. Yet, regardless of its source, greatness is something within our reach if we are willing to strive for it.

The Nature of Greatness

At its core, greatness is not merely about fame, power, or wealth. It is about excellence, impact, and the lasting legacy one leaves behind. Greatness is a reflection of one’s character, decisions, and the ability to rise above mediocrity. It is an attribute that transcends professions, cultures, and generations. While society often celebrates those who have achieved material success, true greatness is found in those who make a positive difference in the world, who inspire others to become better, and who overcome challenges with resilience and grace.

The quote from Shakespeare suggests that there are three paths to greatness. Some are born with qualities or circumstances that predispose them to greatness. These individuals may possess natural talents, intelligence, or resources that set them apart from others. However, even those who are "born great" must nurture these qualities through discipline, hard work, and continuous learning to truly realize their potential.

Others achieve greatness through their efforts. These are the people who, despite not having extraordinary beginnings, dedicate themselves to their goals with relentless determination. They understand that greatness is not handed out but earned through perseverance, sacrifice, and a commitment to excellence. These achievers are often the most inspiring because they demonstrate that anyone can reach greatness with the right mindset and actions.

Finally, there are those who have greatness thrust upon them. These are individuals who, through unexpected circumstances, find themselves in positions of influence or responsibility. How they respond to these situations determines whether they rise to the occasion or falter under the pressure. This type of greatness is about seizing opportunities and adapting to challenges, often in ways that were never anticipated.

Overcoming the Fear of Greatness

One of the biggest obstacles to achieving greatness is the fear that accompanies it. This fear can manifest in many forms: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown, or fear of the responsibilities that come with greatness. It is a fear that can paralyze us, preventing us from taking the necessary steps to pursue our dreams.

However, as Shakespeare advises, we must not be afraid of greatness. Embracing greatness requires courage—the courage to step out of our comfort zones, to take risks, and to believe in our potential. It is easy to settle for a life of mediocrity, where we avoid challenges and play it safe. But greatness demands more from us. It calls us to push our limits, to strive for something beyond ourselves, and to impact the world in meaningful ways.

To overcome the fear of greatness, we must first recognize that fear is a natural part of the journey. Every great person has experienced moments of doubt and uncertainty. The difference is that they did not let fear dictate their actions. Instead, they used it as a motivator to push forward, to prepare more thoroughly, and to prove themselves capable.

The Path to Achieving Greatness

Achieving greatness is not a one-time event; it is a continuous process of growth and self-improvement. It requires setting ambitious goals, cultivating discipline, and maintaining a positive mindset even in the face of adversity. Here are some key steps to consider on the path to greatness:

  1. Set Clear and Ambitious Goals: Greatness begins with a vision. Define what greatness means to you and set clear, specific goals that align with that vision. Your goals should challenge you and push you to grow, but they should also be realistic and attainable with effort and dedication.

  2. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work and perseverance. Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and improve, and view setbacks as valuable lessons rather than failures. With a growth mindset, you will be more resilient and adaptable in your pursuit of greatness.

  3. Build Discipline and Consistency: Greatness is not achieved overnight. It requires consistent effort and discipline over time. Develop daily habits that support your goals, such as continuous learning, practicing your craft, and staying focused on your objectives. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

  4. Seek Feedback and Embrace Criticism: Constructive feedback is essential for growth. Surround yourself with people who will challenge you, provide honest feedback, and support your development. Embrace criticism as an opportunity to improve rather than a personal attack. Remember, even the greatest individuals have mentors and advisors who help them refine their skills.

  5. Serve Others and Make a Positive Impact: Greatness is not just about personal achievement; it is also about contributing to the greater good. Use your talents and resources to make a positive impact on others and the world around you. Whether through leadership, innovation, or acts of kindness, strive to leave a legacy that inspires and uplifts others.

  6. Stay Humble and Grateful: Humility is a hallmark of true greatness. Recognize that no one achieves greatness alone; it is often the result of support from others and favorable circumstances. Stay humble in your successes and be grateful for the opportunities and people who have helped you along the way.


Shakespeare’s words remind us that greatness is within our reach, regardless of how it manifests in our lives. Whether we are born with advantages, achieve greatness through our efforts, or have it thrust upon us by circumstances, the key is to embrace it with courage and determination. By overcoming the fear of greatness and committing to continuous growth and impact, we can all strive to leave a mark on the world that is both significant and lasting.

Greatness is not a destination but a journey—a journey that requires perseverance, humility, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As we embark on this journey, let us remember that the potential for greatness lies within each of us. It is up to us to seize it, nurture it, and, ultimately, realize it.

Written by:
Dave Ikiedei Asei

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