Why-Goodluck-Jonathan-is-Concerned-About-Nigeria’s -Future-and-Could-Face-Severe-Consequences

Why Goodluck Jonathan is Concerned About Nigeria’s  Future and Could Face Severe Consequences 

By Wisdom Tide 
September 27, 2024

Former Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, has voiced deep concerns about the country’s trajectory, particularly with regard to leadership and governance. Speaking at an event centered on Conflict Studies at the National Open University of Nigeria, Jonathan reflected on the nation’s fragile political and social environment, cautioning that the country could face severe consequences if leadership continues to falter. He pointed out that several neighboring countries are suffering from wars and conflicts due to poor governance, and Nigeria may be on a similar path if corrective measures are not taken.

Leadership Failures and Threats to National Stability

Jonathan emphasized the correlation between bad leadership and national instability. In his remarks, he lamented that the challenges facing Nigeria today, particularly in governance, could lead to conflict and disintegration if not properly addressed. He noted the ongoing turmoil in neighboring countries, highlighting how fragile states become vulnerable to external and internal conflicts when governance fails to prioritize the common good.

The former president stressed that peace is essential for Nigeria’s survival, and that good leadership plays a pivotal role in achieving national cohesion. Without effective leadership, Jonathan warned, Nigeria risks being engulfed in the kind of conflict that has destabilized many countries in Africa, particularly those suffering from poor governance and weak institutions.

The Importance of Peace-Building

Dr. Joseph Ochogwu, the Director General of the Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (IPCR), who also spoke at the event, echoed Jonathan’s concerns. He described peace as a universal desire but one that requires deliberate investment and effort to sustain. Ochogwu commended Jonathan’s commitment to peace, recalling the former president’s renowned statement that “nobody’s life is worth sacrificing for any political ambition.”

Ochogwu’s comments underscore the broader message Jonathan delivered, one that stresses the importance of promoting peace as a national priority. Ochogwu also pointed out that while many leaders speak about peace, few are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to ensure it endures.

Education as a Catalyst for Peace

Prof. Iroye, an expert in Conflict Studies, brought a different perspective to the discussion, focusing on the role of education in fostering peace. He criticized the current Nigerian educational curriculum, arguing that it fails to instill a culture of peace in the younger generation. According to Iroye, peace-building must be part of Nigeria's educational fabric if the country is to avert the kind of conflicts currently destabilizing its neighbors.

The professor called for a greater emphasis on educating the youth about the values of peace and conflict resolution. He stressed that peace should begin at the individual level, starting with personal responsibility and extending to community and national consciousness. This, he said, would create a ripple effect that could transform Nigeria into a peaceful and stable society.

Engaging Youth in Peace-Building Initiatives

Both Jonathan and Iroye stressed the need for more active involvement of young people in peace-building processes. They noted that the youth, who make up a significant portion of Nigeria’s population, are often the most affected by conflict and instability. Without proactive efforts to engage them in nation-building and peace initiatives, Nigeria risks further social fragmentation.

Iroye called for youth-centered programs aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of peace and conflict resolution. He argued that by empowering young people to be agents of peace, Nigeria could cultivate a generation of leaders capable of steering the country towards a more stable and prosperous future.

Conclusion: A Call for Urgent Action

Goodluck Jonathan’s concerns about Nigeria’s future are rooted in a clear understanding of the dangers posed by bad leadership and weak governance. His call for peace and strong leadership comes at a critical time when Nigeria’s stability is increasingly at risk. As the former president and other experts at the event highlighted, fostering peace requires deliberate investment in leadership, education, and youth engagement. Only through these efforts can Nigeria hope to avoid the kind of conflicts that have ravaged its neighbors and secure a peaceful and prosperous future for its citizens.

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