
Lawyers Deliberate Next Steps as Nnamdi Kanu's Trial Drags On

By Wisdom Tide 
October 2, 2024

The prolonged trial of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), continues to generate legal and political controversy. As the case drags on, multiple judges have withdrawn from the proceedings, raising concerns over the integrity and fairness of the judicial process.

Overview of Kanu's Legal Battles

Nnamdi Kanu has faced a series of charges from the Nigerian government since 2015, including treasonable felony and terrorism. After initially being granted bail in 2017, Kanu fled Nigeria following an alleged military raid on his residence in Abia State. His rearrest in Kenya in July 2021, followed by an extraordinary rendition back to Nigeria, reignited his legal challenges, with fresh terrorism charges brought against him.

In a major ruling in October 2022, the Court of Appeal in Abuja acquitted Kanu of all charges, declaring the government's actions, particularly his extraordinary rendition, as illegal. However, the Supreme Court later reversed this decision, ruling that Kanu should face trial again in the High Court.

Judges Recuse Themselves from Kanu's Trial

Since the inception of Kanu’s trial in 2015, three judges have stepped down, citing various reasons for their withdrawal.

  • Justice Ahmed Mohammed was the first to recuse himself in December 2015 after Kanu expressed a lack of confidence in him.
  • Justice John Tsoho, who took over the case in 2016, recused himself following accusations from Kanu’s legal team of "judicial rascality" and conflicting judgments. Despite being cleared of bias by the National Judiciary Council (NJC), Tsoho refused to continue with the case.
  • Most recently, in September 2024, Justice Binta Nyako also withdrew after Kanu raised concerns about her impartiality, despite objections from the government’s lawyer.

The repeated withdrawal of judges from the trial has raised questions about the judicial process and whether it can provide a fair verdict.

Judicial Conflicts Highlighted by Kanu’s Legal Team

Kanu’s lead counsel, Aloy Ejimakor, argues that the multiple recusals are indicative of a broader conflict within the judiciary regarding Kanu’s case. He points to the Court of Appeal's acquittal and the subsequent reversal by the Supreme Court as evidence of judicial inconsistency. Ejimakor also criticized Justice Nyako's refusal to acknowledge that Kanu did not jump bail, a stance upheld by the Supreme Court.

According to Ejimakor, these legal irregularities raise serious questions about whether Kanu can receive a fair trial under the current judicial framework. He contends that the complexities surrounding the case are undermining the rule of law and fundamental fairness.

Breaking the Jinx of Judges Stepping Down

Ejimakor believes that to break the pattern of judges recusing themselves from Kanu’s case, the IPOB leader must be treated in full accordance with the law. He criticized the continued detention of Kanu at the Department of State Services (DSS) facility, where his interactions with his legal team are monitored, and his legal documents are often interfered with.

Ejimakor advocates for Kanu’s bail to be reinstated, as previously directed by the Supreme Court. He asserts that allowing Kanu to prepare for his trial outside the DSS facility would provide a more conducive environment for a fair hearing.

The Need for a Fair Trial

Activist lawyer Madubuachi Idam also weighed in on the situation, emphasizing that the core issue at hand is the need for a fair and expedient trial. Idam criticized the state's repeated amendments to the charges against Kanu, which have significantly prolonged the trial. He argues that the delays have not been caused by Kanu or his legal team but by the state’s actions.

Idam suggested that a trial lasting several months, rather than years, would have avoided the current legal stalemate. He further emphasized that the continued prosecution of Kanu has not addressed the security concerns the government seeks to resolve. According to Idam, a swift and just conclusion to the trial would serve the interests of both the state and Kanu.

The Role of Nolle Prosequi

Both Ejimakor and Idam have suggested that the government could resolve Kanu’s trial through a political solution, using a legal mechanism known as nolle prosequi. This would allow the Attorney General to discontinue the case, a move that could deescalate tensions and provide a path forward.

Idam noted that the Attorney General has the constitutional right to drop charges at any stage of a criminal prosecution. Given the long-standing delays and the failure to bring the case to a conclusion, Idam suggested that discontinuing the trial could be a more reasonable solution.

Political Solution in Kanu’s Case

The possibility of a political solution to Kanu’s case remains open, according to Ejimakor. He believes that both legal and political pathways are still being explored to ensure that Kanu is treated fairly under the law.

Similarly, Idam suggested that President Bola Tinubu may be considering a political resolution. Unlike his predecessor, Muhammadu Buhari, who maintained a strict legal stance on Kanu’s case, Tinubu has not yet made any definitive statements on the matter. This, Idam argues, leaves room for the possibility of a negotiated settlement.

Idam urged the president to use his executive powers to seek a political solution, which could include discontinuing the trial through nolle prosequi. He emphasized that resolving the matter would help cool the political climate and reduce tensions related to Kanu’s continued prosecution.


The trial of Nnamdi Kanu has been fraught with legal complications, judicial withdrawals, and political undertones. As the case continues to linger, there are growing calls for both a fair trial and a political resolution. Whether through the reinstatement of Kanu’s bail, a discontinuation of the case, or a broader political settlement, it is clear that the resolution of Kanu’s trial will have significant implications for Nigeria’s legal and political 

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