
INEC’s Partisanship: A Threat to Nigeria’s Democracy and Electoral Integrity

Dave Ikiedei Asei 


The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) was established to serve as a neutral body that guarantees the sanctity of Nigeria’s democratic processes. Tasked with conducting elections, INEC is expected to provide a level playing field for all political parties, ensuring that the will of the people prevails. Unfortunately, in recent times, it appears that the commission has deviated from this mandate, functioning instead as a partisan tool that serves the interests of the party in power. The latest development regarding the appointment of Governor Wike’s cousin as the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Edo State ahead of the gubernatorial elections underscores the deepening perception of INEC as a biased institution.

INEC's Role in the Erosion of Democratic Values

The core principle that underpins any democratic election is the idea that voters are given a fair and equitable opportunity to choose their leaders. Elections are not meant to be manipulated by institutions that hold the sacred responsibility of upholding democracy. Yet, INEC’s actions in recent times suggest that it has become an enabler of the ruling party, compromising the credibility of the electoral process and damaging the trust that Nigerians once had in the commission.

The appointment of a controversial figure like Wike’s cousin as Edo State's REC is not just an error in judgment; it is a clear indication of INEC’s increasing partiality. This act, which reeks of favoritism, highlights the commission’s willingness to ignore the ethical and moral implications of its decisions in favor of satisfying political masters.

The Controversial Appointment of Wike's Cousin as Edo REC

The controversy surrounding the appointment of Wike’s cousin, despite widespread opposition, further erodes public trust in INEC. Critics have rightfully raised concerns about the neutrality of this appointment, especially given Wike’s influential position within the ruling party. By refusing to address the legitimate fears of bias, INEC has demonstrated a blatant disregard for transparency and accountability.

In a political environment as volatile as Nigeria’s, such an appointment can easily tip the scales in favor of one party, further disenfranchising the opposition. Rather than acting swiftly to rectify this issue, INEC has doubled down, insisting that the appointment will stand. This stubbornness in the face of legitimate public outcry suggests that the commission is no longer an impartial body working in the interests of Nigerians, but a puppet of the ruling party.

A Body that Works Against the People’s Aspirations

The idea that INEC has become an instrument of the party in power is not new. Numerous examples from recent elections demonstrate a disturbing pattern of bias. From delayed vote counts to allegations of vote tampering, INEC’s operations are often shrouded in suspicion. The commission has failed to act decisively in the face of overwhelming evidence of irregularities, raising the question of whether it has any real interest in protecting Nigeria’s democracy.

This favoritism undermines the very essence of democracy, where the power to elect leaders resides in the hands of the people. When an electoral body is seen to work in favor of a specific political party, it denies millions of Nigerians their democratic right to have their voices heard. Elections should be about the people, not the whims of political elites pulling the strings behind the scenes.

The Consequences of a Compromised Electoral System

When an institution like INEC, which is supposed to be independent, becomes compromised, the effects are far-reaching. A flawed electoral system not only produces illegitimate governments but also erodes public confidence in the entire democratic process. When the public loses faith in the electoral process, the likelihood of civil unrest increases. History has shown that rigged elections often lead to violence, civil disobedience, and in some cases, the breakdown of law and order.

The erosion of electoral integrity also discourages civic participation. If people feel that the system is rigged against them, they are less likely to vote. Apathy sets in, and democracy itself becomes fragile. This is dangerous for a country like Nigeria, which is already grappling with significant political, economic, and social challenges.

The Folly of Playing God

There is a deeper issue at play here. Those in power, who manipulate the electoral process to entrench their dominance, often believe they are untouchable. They wield power with impunity, thinking they can bend institutions like INEC to serve their interests. But as history has shown, such arrogance is always short-lived. No matter how powerful one may seem, no individual or group can play God and expect to escape unscathed.

INEC’s actions, and those of the political elites it serves, will not go unnoticed or unchallenged. The real God—the higher force that governs justice—will ultimately prevail. Leaders who think they can manipulate the will of the people and undermine the democratic process will eventually face the consequences of their actions.

A Call for Reform

For Nigeria’s democracy to survive and thrive, INEC must be reformed. It must return to its original mandate of being a truly independent body, free from the influence of political parties and the government in power. The appointment of RECs, particularly in politically sensitive states, must be done transparently and must pass the scrutiny of the public and all stakeholders. Individuals with links to powerful political figures should not be allowed to hold such positions, as it compromises the integrity of the process.

In addition, INEC’s internal mechanisms for transparency and accountability need to be strengthened. This includes enforcing strict penalties for any electoral malpractice and ensuring that election results reflect the true will of the people. Only then can the commission begin to rebuild the trust that it has so deeply damaged.

The Reward of Wickedness

For those within INEC and the political elite who continue to act in ways that undermine Nigeria’s democracy, the reward of wickedness awaits. The Bible warns that those who sow iniquity will reap sorrow. While they may enjoy the fruits of their manipulation in the short term, their long-term legacy will be one of failure and disgrace.

It is imperative that those in positions of power remember that no matter how much influence they wield, they are not above the law, and they are certainly not above divine justice. The real God will not allow wickedness to go unchecked forever.


INEC’s increasing partisanship is a threat to Nigeria’s democracy. The body that should be safeguarding the democratic process has instead become an instrument of the ruling party. The controversial appointment of Wike’s cousin as Edo REC is just one more example of the commission’s failure to act in the best interest of the Nigerian people. However, as history has shown, no matter how much power one may accumulate, those who attempt to play God will ultimately fail. True justice will prevail, and the people of Nigeria will eventually triumph over those who seek to undermine their aspirations.

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