
Nigeria on the Brink: How the APC Government's Mismanagement is Driving the Nation Toward Crisis-Hon. Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere

By Wisdom Tide 

September 21, 2024


Nigeria, once seen as a beacon of hope in Africa, is now teetering on the edge of a severe crisis. The nation's rapid decline is largely attributed to the All Progressives Congress (APC) government, whose policies and governance strategies have been catastrophic. The APC has presided over a period marked by deepening economic hardship, growing insecurity, and widespread social alienation. As a result, the country finds itself at a critical juncture, with the people of Nigeria increasingly facing hunger, suffering, and hopelessness. This article examines the impact of the APC-led government on Nigeria’s socio-economic landscape and explores the looming consequences of its failed leadership.

A Legacy of Economic Mismanagement

Since the APC took control of the federal government, Nigeria has seen a marked decline in economic stability. Inflation has surged to unprecedented levels, food prices have skyrocketed, and unemployment remains persistently high. The ordinary Nigerian struggles to make ends meet, while the government appears detached from the everyday realities of its citizens.

Despite promises of economic revival, the policies implemented under the APC administration have only deepened the economic divide. Small businesses, once the backbone of Nigeria’s economy, have suffered due to a lack of access to credit, unstable power supply, and rising operational costs. The poor have grown poorer, and the middle class is rapidly shrinking, creating a socio-economic landscape where survival has become a daily struggle for millions.

Insecurity: A Nation Under Siege

In addition to economic hardship, insecurity has become a defining feature of the APC’s tenure. Under its watch, Nigeria has witnessed a sharp increase in violent crimes, banditry, terrorism, and kidnappings. The once-peaceful regions of the country are now battlegrounds, with citizens living in constant fear for their lives and property. The government's failure to address these growing threats has left Nigerians feeling vulnerable and abandoned by those elected to protect them.

The inability of the APC government to provide adequate security is not just a failure of leadership but a betrayal of the social contract between the government and the people. As a result, many Nigerians have lost faith in the state's capacity to safeguard their lives and future. Communities are increasingly taking matters into their own hands, resorting to self-defense and local militias, further eroding the rule of law.

Judicial Compromise: A Threat to Democracy

One of the most alarming developments under the APC government is the perceived manipulation of the judiciary. The judiciary, traditionally seen as the guardian of justice and democracy, is now viewed as compromised. Recent judicial rulings, especially regarding political defections and electoral matters, have raised concerns about the impartiality of the courts.

A case in point is the controversial judgment by the Federal High Court concerning the defection of 27 lawmakers in Rivers State. This ruling, which declared the defection as a pre-election matter, has been criticized as setting a dangerous precedent for the nation's already fragile political system. Many observers, including Hon. Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere, a Federal lawmaker and constitutional expert, believe the ruling was influenced by pro-APC forces, casting doubt on the independence of the judiciary.

The erosion of trust in the judicial system is a serious blow to Nigeria's democracy. When the courts are no longer seen as impartial arbiters of justice but as tools for political manipulation, the foundation of democratic governance is weakened. This further compounds the frustrations of ordinary Nigerians, who feel that they have no recourse to justice or fairness.

A Brewing Social Crisis

The combination of economic hardship, insecurity, and a compromised judiciary has brought Nigeria to a boiling point. The rich and elite may believe that they are insulated from the growing unrest, but they are mistaken. As hunger deepens and the struggle for survival intensifies, the poor masses, who have been pushed to their limits, may soon direct their frustrations at those they see as beneficiaries of the corrupt and incompetent system.

The sentiments of the poor are clear: they can no longer endure this level of suffering, and their patience is running out. Desperation, fueled by poverty and the absence of hope, often leads to social unrest. If the current trajectory continues, Nigeria could face widespread civil disobedience or even a national uprising, with the wealthy and powerful bearing the brunt of the public’s fury.

The Need for Immediate Change

Nigeria’s current situation demands immediate and decisive action. The APC government’s inability to provide solutions to the country’s myriad problems—economic collapse, growing insecurity, and widespread poverty—requires an urgent response from Nigerians of goodwill. The continued survival of the nation depends on rejecting the failed leadership of the APC and collectively working towards restoring justice, sanity, and hope.

This is not a struggle that should be left to the poor and disenfranchised. It is a fight for every Nigerian who desires a future for themselves and their children. The consequences of inaction will not only affect the vulnerable but also the elites who benefit from the current system. If meaningful change is not pursued, the entire nation could be consumed by instability, with long-lasting repercussions for future generations.

A Call to Action: Enough is Enough

Nigeria is at a crossroads. The time has come to demand better leadership and governance. Nigerians must unite across ethnic, religious, and socio-economic lines to hold their leaders accountable. The APC government has demonstrated that it is incapable of steering the nation out of its current crisis, and it is up to the citizens to chart a new course.

Hon. Ugochinyere’s warning is a wake-up call. The current administration’s destructive governance cannot continue unchecked. Nigerians must rise and say "enough is enough." There is still time to prevent a complete collapse, but the window for action is closing rapidly. The nation’s survival depends on the courage and resolve of its people to reject the APC’s failed leadership and demand a government that serves all, not just a privileged few.


The crisis Nigeria faces today is the direct result of years of mismanagement, corruption, and a lack of compassionate leadership under the APC government. Economic hardship, rampant insecurity, and the manipulation of key institutions have brought the country to the brink of disaster. However, all is not lost. If Nigerians come together to demand accountability and change, the nation can still be saved from the flames of instability. The time to act is now, before it is too late

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