Thieves-Cannot-Provide-Good-Governance — Obasanjo

Thieves Cannot Provide Good Governance — Obasanjo

By Wisdom Tide

September 21, 2024

Former President's Candid Remarks on Corruption and Governance

Former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo, has asserted that corrupt politicians are incapable of delivering effective and ethical governance. He made this statement during his virtual address at the memorial lecture of Denis Joseph Slattery, a forum dedicated to exploring the importance of moral integrity in leadership. The event was held at the Civic Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos, and brought together a distinguished audience.

Memorial Lecture Honoring Denis Joseph Slattery

The lecture was organized by the Old Boys’ Association of St. Finbarr’s College, in honor of Denis Joseph Slattery, an Irish-born missionary who arrived in Nigeria in 1941 and devoted his life to education and community service in Ilawe-Ekiti. Slattery's contributions to Nigerian society, especially in the field of education, remain a lasting legacy. The lecture series was created to uphold his principles of integrity and service to humanity.

During the event, Obasanjo underscored the necessity for leaders to adhere to moral rectitude and ethical standards, citing that these values are essential for governance that truly benefits the people.

Corrupt Politicians Referred to as "Thieves"

In his candid address, Obasanjo did not mince words when he described corrupt political leaders as “thieves,” arguing that such individuals are incapable of administering fair and just governance. “When leaders are corrupt, they prioritize their personal gain over the well-being of the citizens they are meant to serve,” he remarked, stressing that governance driven by self-interest rather than public good will always fail to deliver positive outcomes.

The former president’s remarks drew attention to the detrimental impact of corruption on the socio-political and economic fabric of a nation. He emphasized that leaders who engage in corrupt practices compromise the trust of the people and undermine the very foundation of democracy and development.

Call for Moral Integrity in Leadership

Obasanjo used the platform to remind political leaders and aspiring leaders of their responsibility to the public, calling for a return to moral integrity in governance. He pointed out that true leadership requires honesty, transparency, and accountability, virtues that are often lacking among corrupt politicians. According to him, any society that tolerates corruption in its leadership is bound to suffer the consequences, which include poor infrastructure, economic stagnation, and social unrest.

Conclusion: Governance Built on Integrity

In closing, Obasanjo reiterated that the future of any nation depends on the character of its leaders. He urged Nigerians, particularly the younger generation, to demand more from those in power and to aspire toward leadership that is rooted in integrity and service to the common good. As Denis Joseph Slattery's life demonstrated, a commitment to moral values in leadership can leave a lasting, positive impact on society.

The lecture was part of ongoing efforts to reflect on the values and legacy of Slattery, while inspiring contemporary leaders to embrace ethical governance.

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